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Messages - nuria24

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I dont undertand how to do it. What should I do to put 1 minuter interval for all users?


set up the same settings for word application for all users
Hello, I am local administrator in a machine. When I open Microsoft Word options, in Save Options I have set Keep AutoRecover information every 20min.

If I open microsoft word with other user account (not local administrator, they are domain users). If check the keep autorecover...option everyone have diffirent time. Someone has 5min, 10min....

Is there any method to change this time for all user? I am the local administrator.

Or any software to copy/steal secretly all Word files that are opening on the computer?


What is a MITM?

I search on internet and it is Man-in-the-Middle and I read about it but I dont undertand how I can do a MITM attack about the printer.

I have access to computer but I dont know what to do about MITM.... and I need to be "online" when anyone is going to print, right? Also, I need a acces to the net of printer? Because there are 2 differentes nets and everyone have their own printer, so I only have access to one printer, not to the other printer where I can to copy the files.

Any software that check all printer avalaible on the net that I have access?


Hello, I have access to computer, not like administrator but I can add a new admin account with any software, change the printer options and after delete the account.

I think that 0E 800 is the best option and easy to do.

Thanks for your help!

Thanks but your reply, but it is only a logging print application. It.only give for example:

- the name of the user who printed,
- the total number of pages,
- document names and titles

But I am not looking that. I am looking a software that make a copy of all files that are sent to a printer. Copy file, not information about file. Thanks!

Hello, anyone know any software for Windows 7 that make/save a copy of all files that are sent to a printer?


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