Look I have been a member of this forum for years and followed it since the very beginning.I used to be an active member(right now I am at uni and things are kinda hard) and I can tell you that if you are hungry about learning don't ask for someone to teach you,just go around the forum and have a look.You said you need to take a site down , well I can tell you that you should never do anything for revenge (but anyways that's just me), have a look on google look for the different names of methods on how to take down a site and then come back here and look on the forums you will find some posts that will help you, I am 90% sure of that, if not then ask a member to assist you with your research.That's how I started when I came to this forum and in the end I had some knowledge of my own to offer.The whole thing is about research believe or not.
Anyway, these are just are my 2 cents anyone who has a different idea about how it should work is allowed to have it and maybe he is even more right than I am.
I have only 2 things to tell you that are my golden rules:
>Never do anything out of spite
>Dedicate yourself to learning.
Thanks for that man I will try my best to do research and it's not exactly out of spite as much as I want to bring a corrupt moderator down
Im going to start researching and hopefully be able to help the community more