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Messages - p4Y|()4d

Pages: [1]
Mobile Hacking / Re: Installing Kali Linux On Android Need Help!!
« on: April 27, 2015, 02:08:22 AM »
With android chrooted you have to use ARM variants and it's pointless. I ventured into this a long time ago and it's literally not a good solution. Just get a winblows tablet and boot kali off of a USB.


python does exist for android, i think ruby does too...

Android / Re: Kali NetHunter
« on: April 27, 2015, 02:04:48 AM »
I was going to start a new topic about this OS, but I've found out it's already posted, so I'll make my contribution here. As of 2015, version 1.1 was released with OnePlus devices support

To my understanding, it can be used on any android device.

I'm curious to know if anyone tried on an android device other than Nexus and OnePlus? Sorry for necro :D

i was wondering the same thing...  i have a  m8 that id love to try it on

might be worth poking around on xda... 

Pages: [1]

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