Hacking and Security / Re: How to counter a "virus"?
« on: February 24, 2013, 12:01:45 PM »
counter? please explain
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Form Field Jack for Firefox (currently only tested on Ubuntu)
v1.0 Feb 6, 2013
Authored by Live Wire
import glob
import sqlite3 as sql
output = open("field_history_output.txt","w")
ffFormFields = "/home/drew/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/formhistory.sqlite"
def findFile(path):
return glob.glob(path)
def main():
fieldsSQL = findFile(ffFormFields) #returns as array
con = sql.connect(fieldsSQL[0])
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("select * from moz_formhistory;")
rawSQLData = cur.fetchall()
strSQLData = str(rawSQLData) #converts to string data
output.write(strSQLData) #writes to file
if __name__=="__main__":
It's still garbage because it just print random chars in a line...
#include <iostream.h>
int main(){
int input;
int y = 0;
char numbers[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890`~!@#$%^&*()-=_+";
cout << "Please enter a number: ";
cin >> input;
system("color 2");
for (int x=0;x<=input; x++){
system("color 5");
cout << numbers[rand() % 78] ;
system("color 28");
cout << " ";
system("color 5");
cout << numbers[rand() % 78] ;
system("color 23");
cout << "*";
system("color 59");
cout << numbers[rand() % 78] ;
system("color 71");
if (y%7 == 1){
cout << "\t";
system("color 18");
y = 4;
system("color 61");
system("color 7");
return 0;
Code: [Select]import sys
def distFrmLeZero(foo):
bar = ""
#PHP wud need le triple = for diz nigga
if (type(foo) == float) or (type(foo) == int):
bar += "Yo dawg, yo numberz will equal somethim liek diz %d" % abs(foo)
bar += "Yo dawg, pick a diff number yo.\n"
print "Sompin evil happens yo."
return bar
You bypass crt0 which may include some stuff you don't want like it may set up memory in a way you don't want or something obscure like that.