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Messages - Zook18

Pages: [1]
Hardware / PS3 Hacking
« on: October 31, 2011, 07:54:43 AM »
Hey guys, I just wanted to know if you guys know how to hack a console such as XBOX, Playstation. You know what I mean. I have experience hacking ps3 before on firmware 3.55 and 3.56. But since the big put-down, Sony is frequently updating the ps3's firmware. I have the jailbreaks for the new firmwares but usually with the new firmware comes the pkg files which are the modded files that you install on your ps3 which is generally the ftp server. Unfortunately my jailbreaks didn't come with a pkg file, such as blackb0x or multiman. And I need to know some way to make my own ftp server for the ps3 or make my own jailbroken .pup file for the ps3. Would really like some help guys.


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