Operating System / Re: So I installed Arch
« on: February 26, 2016, 04:28:57 PM »I installed Arch too on the raspberry pi a few days ago, and ran into a problem. Thing is my condo doesn't provide Ethernet access, only wifi. Wifi is fine but then there's this login portal that you have to get past to get net access. I spent a lot of time thinking on how to get past that since I wasn't expecting much from the minimal ISO. Thought about creating a perl script to automate that but later realized the minimal iso came with a commandline browser (elinks) and I was surprised at how well it worked.
Anyway installing arch is easy but some stuff especially setting up lvm with luks encryption along with encrypted swap is kinda tricky, but quite do-able after you test it out in a vm and write down the steps.
You could script it pretty easy to trigger on boot or something. You could also look into DNS tunnelling or try a VPN or something of that nature.