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Messages - grim789

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General discussion / Re: Schools or Certs?
« on: April 19, 2015, 09:59:30 PM »
Awesome responses i appreciate it very much so.

TechB- Yeah i probably should have started there but since im already pretty far into Net+ i think im going to try for this cert first then go and do A+. I never knew you had to have those certs for places like best buy obviously that's not the case now cause half the people that work there don't have a clue about any thing they sell. That's crazy they told you you couldn't work there cause your to smart lmao guess they felt intimidated.

Shome- That is really cool shome i am glad im not the only one with no IT experience here haha. This gives me hope for the future there arent to many IT jobs in my area not advertising any at least at the moment i was going to move to the closest city once i have some qualifications to find work which is only 45 min away so it's not bad. But i just look forward to the day i can stop working for $8.00 an hour at a job that has no future and move into something i can enjoy doing and make a decent living.

Memnoch- I am actually doing both i really enjoy it and want to make a living with it i alwasy refer to that saying "do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life".

I am actually based in the US but they offer financial aid here as well luckily. I have been looking into bachelors degree programs at a campus about an hour away it's actually a university and they offer computer science (oddly enough though their website is horrific especially when it comes to navigation lol)

That last point is good to note i was curious about that id like to get at least my Net+ and A+ cert before i start school which would probably be in the fall this year. This way i can have some practical knowledge under my belt before going into it.

Thanks again for all your responses they are defiantly helping me out to decide where i want to go and what i should pursue. There is so much misinformation out there especially when it comes to trade schools i have seen everyone warn from those so im glad i didn't decide to shell out big bucks there.

General discussion / Re: Schools or Certs?
« on: April 19, 2015, 05:32:07 AM »
Appreciate the responses guys im glad you both mentioned A+ i was going to do that one first but i was on another forum and the general consensus and from what i looked at it seemed like Net+ was a first step. I think im just going to check out what computer science classes are offered then cause i am loving the net+ material thus far. I have learned html and css not indepth but i am familiar with the language so im just learning here and there. I would really like to learn some programming languages as well that's for sure. Also pertaining to the tech school that does seem to be a majority warning to stay away from them.

One more question would you advise that i start learning A+ along with Net+ or will it be ok to continue with Net+ and then go back and get the A+ cert?

General discussion / Schools or Certs?
« on: April 19, 2015, 12:25:27 AM »
Ok so i figured i would drop in and ask the community here. I was looking into ITT Tech for school particularly for Network Administration but i see a lot of people who have been in the IT field for some time just really have a dislike for trade school's. So i decided that i was just going to try for a few Certs but im not sure if i should even enroll in school or just go forward with my Certifications.

Forgot to mention i was going to try to go for my CCNA but seeing as i have no background in IT nor Networking at all for that matter i purchased the NET+ cert book and have been getting some fundamentals first. I would like to Get this Cert first then either my CCNA or Security+ i havent yet decided. I feel like the certs would qualify me more for a job just based off of what it is that i have seen with the class itinerary for ITT. I'm not just doing these for the job though i love the information and am constantly looking forward to learning everything i can on networking computer programming you name it. I would like to get a few different certs im mainly doing it for the information but i figure why not get certified if i am already learning the material.

Kinda got off track there back to my original question i was hoping the community here could advise me and share their experience a bit and what would you suggest? Should i continue with my certs or enroll in ITT and hold off on those?

Note: I plan on finishing NET+ regardless since i have already purchased the book lol.

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