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Messages - ISLR

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Beginner's Corner / Re: Best langauge for coding 0day exploits???
« on: April 13, 2015, 09:15:09 PM »
Python with C_types. Or Pearl.

Botnets have alot of techniques that will require you to have a good understanding of alot of fields.
Personally i say get you RE gloves on, get some networking concepts solid, grab the nearest sample of a Botnet file and uncover away. For a challenge/something, keepup with the tech news and analyse the latest one the world is sweating about. Producing this info first will earn you entry to some closed circles and some good friends who will teach you even more. Lookup some malware IRC channels and chat away.


Start with ASM in x86 and thumbARM and Pseudocode (To study any class of programing language u dont know). Then the techniques u have a lot of books out there, then make a paper for yourself , then if u want u can 766 it.


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