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Messages - FuyuKitsune

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Tutorials / Re: backdoors with netcat
« on: August 04, 2013, 07:05:29 AM »
If you're on Linux with netcat there's a tool "miniupnpc" for setting up UPnP. I'm using it on a product and it's pretty handy. I'm not sure if there are binaries available (I just get it from the package manager", and you might be able to find a ghetto-built Windows binary that isn't in MinGW. There are also newer builds with more options but for some reason I have old binaries.

Anywho, the basic command is
Code: [Select]
upnpc -a ip port external_port TCP
upnpc -a 22 22 TCP

Most home routers have UPnP enabled so there's no problem. Specify TCP or UDP depending on your connection.

There are two things that are really handy about this tool:
-First is specifying the IP. You can set up UPnP for a different computer. Suppose you're on a local network with an unprivileged user- you can sorta do stuff but it'll take too long to a get working upnpc binary on the computer. Just set the UPnP from your computer.
-Second is using different internal and external ports. You can easily disguise your shell as a mundane service by picking a different external port. If I had multiple programs/scripts I'd probably strewn them about ports 54000-62000 where torrents often go and out of quick scan ranges.

The default IGD lease duration is 0, which should be an infinite lease but might be different if the router has crappy UPnP implementation. Newer builds of upnpc can specify lease duration. You might want to limit it to a couple days so you don't leave an obvious footprint. You could also use the "-d" to the delete the lease, put it on cron or just do it manually once you've established a proper backdoor.

Also I would not use netcat as a personal backdoor. SSH only, then use that to access local tools if you want more (configure them to only run on localhost).

Projects and Discussion / Re: Unknown Name Keylogger
« on: July 30, 2012, 08:14:00 AM »
A quick way to find passwords with just a log would be to look for a short string, a tab or mouse click, then another short string. More precise would be email address, tab/click, short string. I was thinking of this a few days ago, how to find logins from a very basic keylog, and pattern matching seems like a good solution.

Hacking and Security / Re: Most rewarding hack you've ever done?
« on: July 30, 2012, 07:37:02 AM »
In school we were playing around with all sorts of crap on the network. Everything about the computers and network was garbage. We had the admin pass that worked on the majority of the district-wide network so we'd screwed with people on VNC (which was configured to use the local admin pass, and was on every computer). NetBIOS was sweet because we would use the remote directories to send files. "Hey, I need that function for the code", "Sure, lemme copy that to your desktop". Eventually in my 4th year I found that we edit services remotely so I tried putting together a script to a bitcoin miner and then start it but I never got to finish it.

The other best was a persistent XSS in my friend's site. My script changed the page background to dancing banana. Not very impressive at all but the laughs we got out of it were very rewarding.

Android / Re: Debian on Android
« on: July 11, 2012, 06:56:09 AM »
Why would one need an actual OS running on android-capable phone? I just don't get it, you would only get the command line at best, so no multitasking. I suppose installing busybox on rooted android is kinda the same as having debian on your phone.
So you can have Linux tools and cool stuff like an N900 or whatever people think of when they hear "Linux phone". I love having apt on there. I just got monitor-mode working on my G1 through Debian also so it's really kickass now.

Operating System / Re: Windows 8 Seriously, WTF?
« on: July 06, 2012, 02:19:17 AM »
Win95 - Crap
Win98 - Good
Win2k - Crap
WinXP - Good
WinVista - Crap
Win7 - Good
Win8 - Crap
I liked Windows 2000 a lot. It was like an XP prototype. It felt like they were making XP and "here's our base OS. We haven't added any extra crap yet so here it is nice and crispy"

As i said, just like microsoft did, you do not have to use it, windows 7 is going to be the top product next to it. So a option to disable metro is useless because that is windows 7
Windows 8 is faster, they have quite a few improvements. Boot time is much faster on a fresh 8 compared to 7. It's not just Windows 7 with a new UI.

General discussion / Re: Firefox and Chrome banned on Windows 8?
« on: June 13, 2012, 12:19:34 AM »
no no no no. I tired of idiots saying it's going to be blocked/banned/whatever and everybody else keeps propagating the stupid news. They can't go on there because THEY HAVEN'T BEEN MADE YET. Windows RT is the ARM processor version of Windows. It's a new frigging operating system, they need to reprogram for new libraries. There is no blocking, banning, or anything like that.

Mobile Hacking / Re: Is there an app for that?
« on: May 01, 2012, 08:25:22 PM »
There are a few apps that do password guessing and have default password lists.

Many phones have promiscuous mode (you can sniff the network you are connected to) but not monitor mode (sniff any data). If you chroot into Ubuntu/Debian you can put it into promisc and start sniffing.
The only mobile wifi chipset that I know with monitor mode is the wl1521 which is in the N900, the G1/HTC Dream, and the G2/HTC Desire Z. The N900 is easy to get into monitor mode- load kernel module, done. The G1 requires some kernel patching that breaks wifi for kernel version above 6.29 (Donut or Eclair I think) but there's some Froyo kernel that uses 2.6.29 and blah blah blah really annoying crap. The G2 happens to have a stable kernel for Froyo using 2.6.29 and it works with the same patches.

So the N900 is expensive because it has real development, especially in the security area, and the G1 and G2 are cheap but have nearly no development. You can spend a few hundred dollars more and not have to screw around with anything.

Tutorials / Re: Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial
« on: April 29, 2012, 07:05:22 AM »
Very complete guide. Thanks, I'll be needing this.

General discussion / Re: Cartoons ?
« on: April 29, 2012, 07:00:10 AM »
Pretty much everything that everyone has said. All the Cartoon Network stuff, stuff from Toonami, old Nickelodeon, and Looney Toons

General discussion / Re: Fake ID?
« on: April 13, 2012, 11:55:41 PM »
I think it would be easier to make your own booze then make/acquire a fake ID.

General discussion / Re: Beer!
« on: April 10, 2012, 05:16:29 AM »
I haven't had anything but a sip of alcohol on a rare occasion. My friend and I are going to brew beer with the coffee-maker method this summer.

General discussion / Re: Raspberry Pi
« on: April 10, 2012, 05:13:35 AM »
It would have been boss if they released it a long time ago. Now it's nearly outdated. They could have released it half-assed and it still would have been great for the price. But it will still be useful for learning purposes for quite a while.

Hacking and Security / Re: Connecting desktop computer to an old TV
« on: April 08, 2012, 09:48:56 PM »
I have worked my ass off trying to get an adapter like that working. Your video cards has to support TV output through VGA. The feature used to exist in a lot of NVidia cards but I haven't seen it in any of the software/firmware updates. Apparently it isn't too hard (the output is very close, you can almost see a picture without any changes) but nobody uses it so they don't support it.

General discussion / Re: I want this laptop!!!
« on: April 07, 2012, 05:52:06 PM »
No GPU switching? Enjoy your 2 hour battery life

Found it on the Webs / Re: FLV2MP3 firefox plugin
« on: April 02, 2012, 02:24:20 AM »
I use Another YouTube Downloader

Long live userscripts

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