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Messages - sh4d0w_w4tch

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Scripting Languages / How to create an in-program command shell [Python]
« on: August 21, 2015, 03:11:11 AM »
You can create a dictionary in Python and use it to make a command shell style interface within your program.  It's easier to work with and is more user friendly then a list of options with corresponding numbers.  You can even add arguments or allow stacking a list of commands.

This works by creating a dictionary and a list of functions that contain the code that you want to execute when a command is run.

Next we create a dictionary with a string that is the command and corresponds to the function it should run.

Finally, we create a command prompt and then execute the function from the dictionary based on the command.

Code: [Select]
def welcome():
    print 'Welcome to the demo program!'

def quit():
    print 'Terminating...'

def begin():
    print 'Please select an option below: (Demo only)'

commands = {
    "welcome": welcome,
    "quit": quit,
    "begin": begin

while 1:
    cmd = raw_input(" prompt> ")

There's a few other things you can add that I didn't throw in for simplicity and because not everybody will want them.  You can remove whitespace from the command or convert the command to lower case as a way of making commands case insensitive.  You could add argument parsing by splitting the command string into a list and passing each argument into the function being run.

Code: [Select]
arguments = cmd.split(' ')

Found it on the Webs / Window 10 installation download
« on: July 30, 2015, 07:58:47 PM »
You can download the installer directly without needing the icon already on your system.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Now apparently you can hack a sniper rifle
« on: July 29, 2015, 08:16:41 PM »
That way people can upload their sweet trick shots and hopefully get into OpTiC or FaZe :P.

To show everyone when they get a 360 no scope.

That's true.  If all the clicks are coming from the same IP address then Google is going to catch on.  I recommend using a VPN company so it will look more like the webmaster signed up for a VPN and started spamming clicks.

There are people who have a large source of income from web ads and I don't want to ruin their jobs, but there are also entitled assholes out there who act like massive douchebags towards users who disable JavaScript.  They go off not just on users using ad blockers but any user who makes the intelligent decision not to use JavaScript except on a few select websites.

I'm sure any website that gets a lot of visitors can profit from manually selling image based ads over Bitcoin or Paypal.  You can charge for the ad to be up for a period of time and not need to worry about clicks.

Projects and Discussion / Text adventure game. I'm thinking C# + Mono
« on: July 27, 2015, 03:11:46 AM »
I want to make a game, text based because I'm not ready to work with graphics and text is what I can develop completely on my own.  I have not decided what the game should be about yet.  It would be appropriate to make it hacking related, but it would be a challenge to involve the player without bogging down the gameplay with technical operations by the user who wouldn't necessarily have any knowledge of what is happening.

For part of the project I'll make a C# file has functions and objects that can be used for making other text adventure games.

Web Oriented Coding / Drop down menus without JavaScript
« on: July 24, 2015, 10:13:52 AM »
I had this idea when I was hacking the MonoBook theme for wikis and I wondered if I could move the link menus to the top in drop down menus for a more streamlined look.  Obviously I want my site to be compatible with JavaScript disabled because a lot of us disable it for most sites, especially ones that are associated with hacking.

I came up with using display: none and display: block that would activate on hovering above the menu title.

The code I give here has the styles stripped out except for exactly what is needed to make this trick work so that it's easier for beginners to follow.  You should add your own styles based on the theme of your site.

Code: (css) [Select]
/* The menu is moved to the location of the page where we want it.  This is moving the whole menu. */
div#p-navigation {
    position: absolute;
    top: 48px;
    right: 440px;
    z-index: 5;

/* Only the drop down part of the menu is styled here.  It is hidden by default. */
div#p-navigation div.pBody {
    display: none;

/* When the user hovers above the menu title, it becomes visible. */
div#p-navigation:hover div.pBody {
    display: block;

/* This is just style for the menu title.  I added a different color background so it looks like a button that the user will identify and hover over. */
div#p-navigation h3 {
    font-size: 15pt;
    background: #222;
    color: #aaa;

The drop down portion of the menu looks fine even though it isn't animated.  Without scripting you can't make it persist for a second if the user moves the mouse off accidentally.  As long as the menu is fairly wide it shouldn't be a problem.

Since you don't have scripting to control this, you need to have the menu tags inside of the title tags.

My suggestion is to get the account owner's own browser information and put it into the script and go through a popular VPN to make it look like he started spamming clicks from his browser while on a VPN to try to hide his plan.

As far as defending against these attacks goes, it's pretty difficult from what I hear.  I wouldn't even bother with AdSense.  If you have any reasonably trafficked then you should get advertisers to pay you over PayPal and put up ads manually.

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: Fucking with a Steam hacker
« on: July 22, 2015, 05:55:37 AM »
Your best chance at this is to go after a known identity they have online and try to social engineer them, not try to get their IP.

Watch_Dogs is not like real life.  Defalt was so bad I could not stop cringing.

I see you have cookies so I assume you aren't a skid.  Take warning, because hackers around here don't take kindly to questions about "tracking IPs" to "fuck people up."

C - C++ / Re: Check if a string is inside a string
« on: July 22, 2015, 05:12:48 AM »
Not yet but I'll believe you.

C - C++ / Re: Check if a string is inside a string
« on: July 22, 2015, 02:17:51 AM »
Interesting.  I'll take a look.  Inlining improved the syntax.

I tested it with this:

Code: [Select]
int strInStr = isStrInStr("come tw", "this come welcome to c");
And it returned false.


Code: [Select]
int strInStr = isStrInStr("come to", "this come welcome to c");
Returned true.

C - C++ / Check if a string is inside a string
« on: July 21, 2015, 08:44:36 AM »
Code: (c) [Select]
int isStrInStr(char *substr, char *compstr) {
  int s = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i <= strlen(compstr); i++) {
    if (compstr[i] == substr[s]) {
    } else if (substr[s] == 0x00) {
      return 0;
    } else {
      i = i - s;//I should add something like "i = i - s;" here.  Edit: That worked.
      s = 0;
  return 1;

I wrote this function to evaluated whether a given string contains a certain string.

Here's how it works:

The function takes two arguments, the string to check for and the string to evaluate.

A for loop runs through each character of the evaluated string and looks for the first character of the string that we are looking for.

If the characters match, then it evaluates the next two characters in both strings.  It continues comparing characters in both strings until they don't match or it gets a null terminator.

If the sub string contains a null terminator then it returns 0 for true.

if the characters do not match then the substring counter is reset to 0.  I need to make it reset the i counter the last position before the character comparison started returning true. Done.

Web Oriented Coding / Re: sqli error
« on: July 20, 2015, 08:59:42 AM »
You need to include ; before the comment.  As was mentioned, try using different comment types.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: The Art of Anonymity
« on: July 16, 2015, 06:48:03 PM »
What about RDP (remote desktop protocol)? I think this is a good way to hide make you a shadow. - VPS with Windows / Linux (not PC). This is a good tutorial.

I think you're better off using a VM and some sort of anonymity tunneling like TOR or a VPN.  RDP is too slow and requires other measures on top of it.

Almost double posted.

I'll just leave this here.

You can be anonymous to a limited extent from most people but total anonymity is impossible.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Anonymous Maximus - What would you do?
« on: July 02, 2015, 07:25:54 PM »
I guess its good to be paranoid and try to protect yourself any way you can.

But to protect yourself 100% would be to live in a bubble. To protect yourself fully online you would have needed to know to do it before you ever got on the internet. when i started using it i was young didnt know shit about watching what i do. I was about 13 when i first got online .

Most people bitch about they have no anonymity online while they post every pic and action they do on social media.

This is really well put.  +1  Maintaining a high level of anonymity on the internet is going to be way to cumbersome to be worth it.  If you want to be anonymous for literally everything you do online, not just an identity, then you can't even have any computer turned on near where you live or work.  The way to go is decide on a level of anonymity that you want to maintain and create an opsec plan on how to maintain it.

For myself I created a whole new identity.  For billing I use prepaid cards.  It feels like overkill and I've really over done it.  One advantage it does confer is prevention of privacy leaks that will inevitably happen.  If you distribute something like an app, your privacy can get leaked in the receipt.

Eric S. Raymond says on his page about becoming a hacker that real hackers don't hide online because they want to promote their accomplishments.  Being anonymous and publishing all your work is going to limit your career because you can't publish the same tools and exploits under two different names and stay anonymous.

When I was in high school I thought it was one of the stupidest things in the world to use your real name on the internet and I didn't understand at all why any intelligent person would do it.  I get it now, but I advise never interacting with other users under your real name.  You should go to a pub if you want friends, as a lecturer put it.  There's too many lunatics out there and too many people you know are going to be gullible enough to believe anything they say.

Don't use social media because you're just going to spray information about yourself that can be used in harmful ways even if it isn't obvious.

You don't want finger wagging, but it's going to be near impossible for you to have bulletproof anonymity.  If you're not a criminal, an online identity with no connection back to you and basic technical measures to hide your identity will be enough.

Previous use of the internet will reduce your anonymity.  If you've been using an identity that could be compromised then the only thing you can do is create an entirely new identity that has no connection to any other identity you have used.  Your name should not reflect personal interests and you must avoid old behavior patterns.

You shop online anonymously? How does that work? Seriously.

You can't.  Yet another reason why remaining 100% anonymous all the time is foolish.

You can for some services, but not completely.  7-11 will have a video of me buying a prepaid card.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Anonymous Maximus - What would you do?
« on: June 30, 2015, 07:07:09 PM »
When I say anonymity for it's own sake, I'm not just talking about doing it for shits and giggles. I genuinely feel a certain degree of anxiety throughout the day due to the fact that my entire life is online. Think about it - all it takes is one crooked cop, one person who knows what they're doing, or one script kiddie and so many elements of my life are there for the taking. I'm tired of it and want to do something about it.

Even when you think about how much spying the federal government does, you can easily screw up your life just by accidently clicking on the wrong stuff. Sure, everyone says that they're only going to waste resources going after the bad guys, but what's the standard of what makes you a bad guy? How many controversial datagrams do you need to send before an investigation is justified? Do they have a file on BlackWasp right now just because I'm posting on this website? What if you accidently visited a webpage with illegal content, or worse, downloaded mislabeled illegal content? Are they watching you then? What if you did it more than once? Do they trace your IP and start investigating? I'm not sure if you guys are aware of this, but some of the laws on the books for downloading software and pirating music deal greater consequences than looking at child pornography (you can tell who makes the rules in this country). My point being, if you download music or software - does that make you enough of a bad guy to justify individual attention? What if you have a cotroversial opinion? What if you buy a lot of books on something controversial through amazon?

I'm not saying that I do any of that stuff, but it's worth asking where the line is drawn. When I was growing up, I was part of a community that encouraged everyone to question everything, read whatever you want, learn as much as you can, and the foundational axiom was that knowledge was free. Now I live in a world where I'm always wondering if my reading or surfing habits are enough to justify someone always looking over my shoulder, and that's not something I want.

So I'm taking privacy a little more seriously.

If you want to be anonymous from law enforcement then you're going to need to do so much work that it won't be practical.  You can't drive somewhere just to use the internet.  A lot of the advice posted here has stupid holes in it.  A burner hotspot will track your location like a phone, so you need to keep driving away to just have it turned on.  Staying anonymous from the people on the internet is a wise decision because you don't know when and what would make you a target.  I've gone after people who fucked with my friends, and all of them have had stupid flaws that allowed me to find them.  None of my friends thought they were doing anything that would make them a target.

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