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Messages - Triconitroz

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General discussion / Re: Help with a film project?
« on: April 10, 2015, 05:45:34 AM »

I discussed this matter with another friend of mine who knows better than the one I discussed this with before. He didn't progress the plot, but instead he reviewed the battle I've made before.

And the first thing he reviewed was : Mufti shouldn't be on the same room with MARC II. That is the only way the hacking battle can happen.

And then both Mufti and MARC II won't use Windows. They'll use a fictional OS, and the battle will be shown graphically so even people who don't know what a computer is can enjoy it.

Last one, the battle scene itself. He decided to restart everything from scratch. This is what he came up with :
-Mufti turned on his laptop and cut the WiFi's Internet, then he closed ports.
-MARC II turns on Internet and kills Mufti's IP.
-Mufti tried to reconnect, but the password has been changed. He then connected as a guest.
-Mufti decrypts the router, MARC II detects him, and so Mufti failed.
-Mufti uses proxy servers to buy time. MARC II falls for this and tracks through the proxies, while Mufti cracks the router's password.
-Mufti cracked the password, and at the same time MARC II finally detects Mufti's IP through all the proxies.
-Mufti uploads a worm to MARC II, and turns out he was hit by a booby trap, making his laptop reboot.
-MARC II accesses virtual router.
-Mufti connects to the router.
-Internet connection turned off.

And that was the end of session 1 of the first battle. Disclaimer : I don't really understand how any of this can be done, I just trusted my friend.

Then they started taunting each other.

While taunting, Mufti's laptop's anti-virus appeared with an alert, and crashes immediately. He then realized MARC II was uploading viruses to his open ports, so he closed all of them. Session 2 of the battle then started.

And that was all I got so far with my friend. If any of you got some suggestions, I would gladly listen. Or if you detect some kind of plothole, let me know. I would be happy to receive your opinion on this.

General discussion / Re: Help with a film project?
« on: April 06, 2015, 01:34:03 PM »

I've consulted my friend who knows a little bit about hacking and figured out more to the battle. It's just a small part of 1 of 2 battles though, but it may give you guys an image of what it'll look like or what I'm looking for.

Here it is:
MARC II uploads the virus, which was itself. Mufti then net cut MARC II, failing the upload. MARC II turns on its firewall in hope to defend Mufti's attacks, but Mufti turned it off. Mufti opened command prompt, typed /shutdown, tracked MARC II's IP address, but MARC II uses /changeip in command prompt repeatedly, changing its IP address every 0.5 seconds. Luckily Mufti remembered MARC II's real IP address, so he froze it immediately. Just when Mufti was about to launch the shutdown, his anti-virus popped up with a text : "Warning! Your firewall has been turned off!" He knew that it was MARC II's attack, but before he could do anything his laptop was shut down.

Mufti reboots his laptop.
MARC II applauds itself.
Mufti's laptop finished rebooting and connected to the WiFi.
The battle started again.

General discussion / Re: Help with a film project?
« on: March 30, 2015, 02:55:14 PM »
Oh man I got it right what you meant. There are both kind of battle scenes in Mass Effect. And having in ming that 'Organics versus Synthetics" is the main idea of Mass Effect. There is a lot of that kind of hacking you gonna like there.

But I dont even remember how long it takes to complete all three games..

BTW with that deletion of system32, you should choose something like more unix like than bill gates.
Aw man, I wish I can try them... But I only have a month to finish this (and it includes the research I'm currently doing). Thanks for the offer though, I really appreciate it.

Back to the story, after the AI rendered the laptop useless, the programmer rebuilt the old computer he had and fought the AI with the previous version of the AI. So then the battle commenced again.

The reason I asked this question here is that I want to know what kind of 'attacks' and 'blocks' (or even 'parry') are actually available in the real world of hacking, because I don't just want to make things up and end up portraying hacking wrong. If you have anything that comes up in your mind, would you please tell me?

General discussion / Re: Help with a film project?
« on: March 30, 2015, 02:19:14 PM »
For battle scenes look for science fiction not for hacking itself. Play something like Mass Effect Trilogy. There is a lot about conflicts of Organics and Synthetics. Because AI itself is not realistic thing.


Actually Mass Effect is the best game I've ever played. Quite realistic science fiction by the way.
That's not what I really meant by battle scenes. By battle, I didn't mean 'battle' battle, with guns and stuff, but 'hacking' battle. Like I said, the programmer and the AI tries to hack each other, this is the battle part (they're trying to gain control of the other, I suppose?)

There will be 2 battle scenes, one right after another. The first one, as I have mentioned, started with the AI trying to upload the virus, which failed because the programmer 'attacked', by cutting the AI off Internet connection. The AI then tries to 'block' the next 'attack' by turning on its firewall, but the programmer 'attacked' again, breaking it off.
It's pretty much like a fight scene, but done entirely in front of the computer. The ending of this scene is the AI finally gains control of the programmer's laptop and deletes its system32. So he's basically screwed up.

I know AI isn't a real thing, but I'll portray it to be just like another person. Its function will also be as another programmer, who simply wants to destroy humanity.
And oh yes, I've heard about mass effect.

General discussion / Re: Help with a film project?
« on: March 30, 2015, 01:12:26 PM »
Hmm... I still can't figure out the battle scenes though. Any more input, guys?

General discussion / Re: Help with a film project?
« on: March 30, 2015, 12:03:45 PM »
watch this "Insecurity 2007" most realistic what i've seen in movies

hollywood movies is sht.
Thanks for pointing it out! I'll watch it sometime when I can :)

On top of this, I also suggest to maybe see Hacking simulation games, like Uplink, Streethacker, Hacker Evolution (they are now making a new game based on todays technologies!). They are far from reality, but might give some cool improvisation ideas :)
Thanks! I'll look to it!

General discussion / Re: Help with a film project?
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:07:49 AM »
Ok well since you already know about firewalls, NAT forwarding, classic 1980s privilege escalation/separation/configuration remote and local exploits/vulnerabilities, database connection drops, dumps, and logical lumps; i'm going to infer you to the hacker's dictionary file (most of the time used in brute forced attacks (you'll learn about those in section5.2 appendix rc.local)). (also known on the deepweb/clearnet/darknet SEOboards as a "j4rg0n" file.
Code: [Select]
The only thing left for you to investigate (into of course) is the concrete congruence of convoluted conception.  With the knowledge you gain throughout your {black,white,grey}hat journey through the internetworks and IP blocks (both public and restricted) you will then && only then have the capabilities to forward the ports necessary to understand cPanel 0day PHP exploits/shellcode overflows/.ttf && .elf && binary malicious-intent assembly crypters/droppers/trojan malware samples.  All of which is of the most notorious of important appointments on the agenda.

EDIT: NOTE: FWD:FWD:FWD: include boobs in the movie.

... What?
I'm sorry, the only thing I know about a firewall is that it blocks basic hacks, and can be accessed in the control panel. That's about it.
I have no idea what NAT forwarding is, or classic 1980s privilege or anything you mentioned.
I'm sorry I'm such a noob :(

EDIT: Oh yeah, I would love to but I can't really include boobs. We're really limited in resources. I'm really sorry.
Oh yeah, this isn't a Hollywood-level film either. Just a short film 10-15 minutes in length.

General discussion / Re: Help with a film project?
« on: March 30, 2015, 10:57:04 AM »
I think your  best bet here is to watch wargames.

For the final scene can you have the hero open up a bunch of VOIP conversations with lots of his geeky friends then run to unplug the modem? and When the eveil AI goes "Wwwwhat no  its impossibru I should have been able to destroy the world in your absence!" He just goes "QoS. Bitch."

Yeah, well... Here's the thing. He's locked in the room, the AI cut him from Internet access, so the only interaction that happens is between them. The AI is nothing more than a program in a normal PC (its function is actually just to automatically control the room before it's upgraded to 2nd version which will turn it evil), and it's connected to a WiFi. And the programmer can't mess with the hardware of the AI somehow (I currently don't have any logical explanations for this yet, any suggestions?), so unplugging the modem won't do. Only coding stuff is happening.

Man just dont doo that

"I'll create a GUI interface using Visual Basic, see if I can track an IP address."

I... Understand how unrelated visual basic and ip addresses are. And that 5 misunderstood things are exactly the ones I'm trying to avoid by coming here (except, maybe, no.5, since the film won't look cool otherwise).

General discussion / Help with a film project?
« on: March 30, 2015, 10:20:44 AM »
Hi there. I'm a filmmaker and I'm going to have a film project soon. It's about a programmer and his AI that fired back to him. This AI will go mad and try to upload a virus that will annihilate humankind (or that sort of thing), and the programmer will try to stop it. In the process they will hack each other.

The problem is, I don't really know much about hacking. I just get to the point where the programmer cuts the AI's Internet connection and breached its firewall, and I don't know what to do next. I don't want to make things up like Hollywood did with everything they don't know about, and I definitely don't want to portray hacking the wrong way just for the sake of being cool. So instead of that I'm going with Nolan's approach with Interstellar : consulting an expert who knows a lot about the subject.

(If you don't get it yet, the experts I'm referring to are you guys). So please help me out. Imagine that you are in a room with another guy, and you two has a laptop connected to a lan wifi. You're trying to disable him, while protecting yourself from his attacks. What do you do?

Please explain in the simplest term, I'm completely clueless in hacking/programming (and learning to hack myself would take a lot of time, I only have a month to finish this project).

Thank you for your cooperation in advance.

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