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Messages - kitoliwa

Pages: [1]
Beginner's Corner / best free host site for phishing?
« on: March 29, 2015, 10:39:35 AM »
hello, I am new to this forum. I appologize if this is not the right spot to post about this.
I've been reading that on setting up a phishing attack, cloning a site's login page, etc... finding the right free host for my fake login would be very important, for most of the times, these hosts cancel, or ban accounts that are related to phishing.

What are or is a great or good hosting site for my files for phishing that some of you fellow hackers use out there.

Or might there be a more profound way through coding to hide these files or make it harder for the host sites to pick up on the fact that I would be using my account for phishing.

Thanks in advance
yours truly, a beginner all things hacking.

Pages: [1]

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