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Messages - LauferBishop

Pages: [1]
Nice speech,
By the way, at the end of speech there is a solution about stopping them.

1.gangs - arresting this kind of people
2.hacktivism - explaining them, however I am sure all of them know very good what are they into.
3.nations - this would be silly even to discuss, every country has different laws and interests.

Imagine a perfect world Utopia,  3rd would be only thing still functioning, in mine opinion there is no way to stop this kind of attacks.

Thanks for video, it is one of better things I have watched lately.

Hacking and Security / Re: Leave the battery or take it out?
« on: October 02, 2011, 07:46:51 PM »
From personal experience I can say that it is necessary to keep the battery inserted into the laptop when the power is on. Lithium ion batteries lose their strength after a certain period to some 20% of capacity a year. On the old laptop I always just used the power without the battery in order to avoid overheating the battery, however, soon became useless.

On the second laptop I have used the power and battery at the same time in 2 years of using batteries barely had waned. Also please note that the laptop is on an average 15 hours a day.   
The point is that batteries have a number of charging and discharging using both batteries and battery, power is only slightly filled without having to empty the whole time and extends battery life.

Pages: [1]

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