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Messages - DuhkLuhw

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Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Complete Anonymity
« on: April 15, 2015, 08:02:50 PM »
I have looked around some and I don't believe my original steps ensure absolute anonymity.

A Tor user can be located if they utilize a website that runs Javascript.

Tutanota is not a good solution either for email purposes apparently. The company is based out of Germany where the NSA supposedly runs most of it's operations out of & Germany is known to easily comply with government requests, especially that of the USA. I had read that Tutanota can decrypt user information if they are told and/or deem and account to be used for "illicit" purposes, so it appears to me Tutanota simply have open rights to access your info when they, or someone else wishes (with "proper" procedure). So much for encrypted email that they claim.....

Guerrilla Mail states to use Javascript on the front end of their website, so I know a user using just Tor can be tracked utilizing Guerrilla Mail.

A user's ISP can determine that you have accessed Tor, then you can be located that way. Supposedly accessing a front-end VPN, then logging onto Tor blocks an ISP from being able to determine that you have accessed Tor, but an ISP can still see that you have accessed a VPN. I'm not sure if this would then allow a user's ISP to connect a user's VPN usage to that of their usage of the Tor browser? Would accessing a VPN, then> Tor, then> a VPN do anything to circumvent the above? You would want to purchase the back-end VPN with bitcoin or a counterpart to conceal identity of that VPN, if this is a feasible solution.

I am now considering using a small chain of Anonymous remailers like CypherPunk, and then at the end of the remail chain using a Mixmaster
remailer to reroute the response back to me via another return-chain of Anonymous remailers. I have not tested this, but this is what I am thinking if it's doable. Supposedly Anonymous remailers do not retain communication logs and I don't believe they can access your info anyways because they utilize PGP.

Any input on the above is appreciated. I am by no means a guru on any of this, I'm learning as I look into the above.

Anonymity and Privacy / Complete Anonymity
« on: April 14, 2015, 07:35:20 PM »

I need to maintain contact with someone through contacting their Gmail in a way that they know it is myself, but also while remaining absolutely anonymous at the same time. I was thinking of the below:

1. Access VPN
2. Access Tor
1. Create message with Privnote (reference unassociated email to receive "read receipt").
2. Paste Privnote message link into Cryptabyte's self-destructing message interface.
3. Forward Cryptabyte message to a Guerrilla Mail address.
4. Forward received Cryptabyte message to recipient's Gmail.
5. Request that recipient reply to a email address.
6. (if not 5.) Request recipient send reply to alternate Guerilla Mail.

All these steps I would do behind A VPN, then accessing a Tor Browser. My Tutanota email was registered behind Tor & I only log onto it from behind Tor.

To my knowledge Privnote, Guerrilla Mail, and Tutanota cannot be subpoenaed. Privnote and GuerillaMail info does not stay on the servers long enough to be properly subpoenaed. Tutanota claims utmost privacy and I have read that they do not have access to user communication information & further more do not disclose information to US agencies under any circumstances.

I was told that Privnote had been taken down at some point by government agencies, so I will be looking for an alternative. Not sure which other counter-part service offers a "read receipt" though.

Would it do anything to further increase my anonymity to do all of this while also using wifi at a public outlet, such as a coffee shop?

I am using Windows 8 on a Lenovo laptop. These companies do not have any ability to monitor me under these circumstances, correct?

The purpose of this, is business communication. I do not personally know the recipient, and my trust of others is little.

If there is a better approach to this, please share your ideas with me. Thanks.

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