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Messages - srirachasauce

Pages: [1]
It's SOCKS5, so you can use it for pretty much anything (to my knowledge anyway). I know you can use it for nmap, so that would lead me to believe it can be used for many protocols since nmap is of course a port scanner, banner grabber, and service discovery tool.

Post the code, why not. I'm doubtful your particular script would bring down all of TOR. People are already doing this anyway :) Do it for yourself and to learn the deep inner workings of TOR and programming with SOCKS.

Are you seriously trying to DoS someone through a proxy? You realize that you DoSing porxy first, right?

It's a pretty slick idea if he pulls off the DDoS. Having a lot of zombies initiating connections through TOR would be fun because it would be so fucking hard to trace the origins of infected machines. However, that hurts TOR. And we love TOR <3

Other / Re: Setting up you Golang Environment
« on: March 27, 2015, 06:34:16 AM »
Me gusta. I'd like to see more Golang stuff on this forum :D

Beginner's Corner / Re: Anyone used the WIFI PINEAPPLE MARK V?
« on: March 27, 2015, 06:20:01 AM »
I like my pineapple because it's just a fun toy. Sure you can do that all on your laptop but with the pineapple you can get a battery pack and stash it somewhere with script that automatically connects to a remote offshore VPS over SSH tunnel for remote administration. Or attach it to a quad copter and fly it over unsuspecting buildings to sniff precious packets.

Not only that, but the firmware is written in PHP, so it's easily customizable. They also have the bar which has all kinds of plugins the community has made. Sure you can do all of this on your own by getting a Raspberry pi and the antennas, plus a camouflage case for stashing -- but for the price and modular firmware it's not a bad deal. It's also REALLY hard to break. Like...damn near un-brickable.

Also, for lulz check this article:

General discussion / Re: Novel Ideas for Ransomware
« on: March 27, 2015, 06:12:35 AM »
Have the user record an "I got owned" message and send you the mp3. Then, make rap music sampling said messages.

Strong understanding C++ means that you can flexibly jump to other languages with ease. You will find yourself becoming spoiled with scripting languages like Python, but when you need razor sharp performance the answer will be C++. But it also depends on what you'll be doing. Not like you'll want to design a web application in C++, but you can do that and more with something like Python.

Wide adoption of community tested and designed modules v.s. from the ground up and in most cases from scratch. Not like anybody ever got mad that they knew more than one programming language. Fuck it -- learn them all.

You should come try out some Golang. Syntax is simpler than even the python syntax, faster than python and nearly approximating the other C family langs.

But you have to declare types way more often D: Lazy people like me hate that. I do love me some golang though -- multi-platform for the win.

How else could this group intercept mail in-transit? They were crafty as fuck and state sponsored by a federal agency within the United States. Intercepting disks from science conventions to infect scientists with malware as well as intercepting networking equipment to huge companies and backdooring them for tailored access... What we DON'T know about these guys yet sort of freaks me out.

I would say move the binary over to a bash shell and use the string and file commands to get more information about the file. You can also use binwalk to try and extract more meta data / other information about the modified file:

Software like this sort of kind of exists, but for the purpose of "security". I would recommend you take a look at how PoS (Point of Sale) systems work, as well as AVS (Address Verification System). You remember that one time you changed addresses but forgot to change it with your bank and Pizza Hut said your credit card information was incorrect? Well that's AVS:

Here is a fucking fantastic book that I think would go well with your research into how a lot of these systems work (hacking point of sale):

Good luck, and I hope some of my input helps you out.

Are you going to be using this for strictly HTTP? If so I would recommend using python's requests module with requesocks.

Here's an example:

I would recommend you implement functions for specific protocols for uber efficiency. Also, txtorcon (uses Twisted) can be used to interact directly with TOR.:

Web Oriented Coding / Re: MySQL enter as user problem
« on: March 27, 2015, 03:51:24 AM »
Another thing that you can do if you did not want to type the passphrase each login is use the ~/.my.cnf file to store it locally. One thing to note is that storing a password in clear text on the system is typically bad practice. So avoid adding root / super user credentials there. Just like you wouldn't use the root user to login to mysql every time from your application. I see that you're on windows...I haven't done much windows MySQL stuff. But here's some additional reading on implementing these files if you were interested, it does make some things easier and faster:

I encourage it! :)

I've found it quite useful to use STDIN/STDOUT to pass data to openssl for on the fly encryption in the BASH shell. Here is an example.

First we'll echo the strings in 'Some epic fucking secret', and BASH pipe that into openssl to transport the data we want to encrypt:

Code: [Select]
$ echo "Some epic fucking secret" | openssl aes-256-cbc -a -salt -in /dev/stdin -out /dev/stdout
enter aes-256-cbc encryption password:
Verifying - enter aes-256-cbc encryption password:

So now you can pass the encrypted secret to someone. But in this case we're wanting to decrypt from STDIN just as we used STDOUT to encrypt our secret strings.

Let's decrypt the secret:

Code: [Select]
$ echo "U2FsdGVkX1+ugOlIal5TM8fd/zy2IzLlRSR0WDaf+gARZUS47wIdyK1D41IbCOyF" | openssl aes-256-cbc -d -a -in /dev/stdin -out /dev/stdout
enter aes-256-cbc decryption password:
Some epic fucking secret

Let's now say that you wanted to use wget to fetch a remote file, but save it in encrypted form:

Code: [Select]
$ wget "" -O /dev/stdout | openssl aes-256-cbc -a -salt -in /dev/stdin -out /dev/stdout
enter aes-256-cbc encryption password:--2015-03-26 12:35:56--
Resolving (, 2a02:26f0:8:196::fc4, 2a02:26f0:8:180::fc4
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1521 (1.5K) [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘/dev/stdout’

/dev/stdout                                                 100%[==========================================================================================================================================>]   1.49K  --.-KB/s   in 0s     

2015-03-26 12:35:57 (194 MB/s) - ‘/dev/stdout’ saved [1521/1521]

enter aes-256-cbc encryption password:
Verifying - enter aes-256-cbc encryption password:

You can see how this could be potentially useful if you're recursively fetching remote files that you want to store encrypted at-rest on disk. Hope you found this interesting  ;D

Pages: [1]

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