Anonymity and Privacy / [facebook] Simple and efficient trick for counter espionage.
« on: October 13, 2015, 06:17:48 AM »
I got to give all appropriate credit for all copy paste. Just this time I copy paste myself. Sometimes when I'm talking to myself I even say something useful.
It's funny how efficiently facebook can be used for intelligence if you play by it's rules. You get noticed on everything. You just need to put everything in the right places. You know when someone tries to dox you if it's done right. Now for example I have a facebook page on my nickname (ofc first letter gets capitalized but that is not the point). Now when someone views the page I get noticed. After a logical deduction of how uncommon my nick is I am able to assume that someone is doxing, because that page is just a page, no likes on it, no useful content, no logical reason for anyone to look for such non existent thing on the internet. So again It's safe to assume that someone is looking for me. (Now I'm just playing OpenBSD 3.6 release song(favorite), because it's always the same story when someone is looking for dirt to put on a white hat. That's futile.)
Ok now I need to prove that it has more use than that. So to understand how Intelligence works you need to look at everything from very far away to be able to see bigger picture. Now Imagine that you need to protect some white hat community members. They use some nicknames for skype or any sht and lets say it's available on the internet to find as a link for deeper doxing. So this trick used on whole community will let you know on which side your haters are trying to gather The Intelligence. And because of that you can turn on that song I mentioned and just prepare the right countermeasures for any possible outcome of that dox.
Our community which translated from our language would be Internet Guerillas. Are developing their skills and inventing a new ways to deal with the threats. So not sure if it's appropriate content to share. But it looks useful at least for me and proved to be useful solving this problem https://evilzone.org/bitch-and-moan/wtf-is-community-%28programisiai-lt%29/msg114352/#new
Spread love not hate.
#Evilzone]05:32 < v32itas> itsd funny how efficiently facebook can be used for intelligence if you play by its rules
05:33 < v32itas> you get noticed on everything, you just need to put everything in the right places
05:34 < v32itas> you know when someone starts to dox something if its done right
05:35 < v32itas> useless for communications mostly bu can be used as very awesome tool for propoganda as well
05:36 -!- Spacecow [~Spacecow@evilzone-B3D88AEC.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 241 seconds]
05:37 < v32itas> just learning on how to use it for a week now
05:39 < v32itas> my nick is probably googlable on facebook now too and when someone views it I get noticed
05:39 < v32itas> simple and efficient trick
05:41 < v32itas> I feel like I need to post it maybe someone will find it useful
05:43 < v32itas> there is no counter espionage board not even sure where to put it
05:49 < v32itas> I'm horrible at explaining anything
It's funny how efficiently facebook can be used for intelligence if you play by it's rules. You get noticed on everything. You just need to put everything in the right places. You know when someone tries to dox you if it's done right. Now for example I have a facebook page on my nickname (ofc first letter gets capitalized but that is not the point). Now when someone views the page I get noticed. After a logical deduction of how uncommon my nick is I am able to assume that someone is doxing, because that page is just a page, no likes on it, no useful content, no logical reason for anyone to look for such non existent thing on the internet. So again It's safe to assume that someone is looking for me. (Now I'm just playing OpenBSD 3.6 release song(favorite), because it's always the same story when someone is looking for dirt to put on a white hat. That's futile.)
Ok now I need to prove that it has more use than that. So to understand how Intelligence works you need to look at everything from very far away to be able to see bigger picture. Now Imagine that you need to protect some white hat community members. They use some nicknames for skype or any sht and lets say it's available on the internet to find as a link for deeper doxing. So this trick used on whole community will let you know on which side your haters are trying to gather The Intelligence. And because of that you can turn on that song I mentioned and just prepare the right countermeasures for any possible outcome of that dox.
Our community which translated from our language would be Internet Guerillas. Are developing their skills and inventing a new ways to deal with the threats. So not sure if it's appropriate content to share. But it looks useful at least for me and proved to be useful solving this problem https://evilzone.org/bitch-and-moan/wtf-is-community-%28programisiai-lt%29/msg114352/#new
Spread love not hate.