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Messages - v32itas

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I got to give all appropriate credit for all copy paste. Just this time I copy paste myself. Sometimes when I'm talking to myself I even say something useful.

#Evilzone]05:32 < v32itas> itsd funny how efficiently facebook can be used for intelligence if you play by its rules
05:33 < v32itas> you get noticed on everything, you just need to put everything in the right places
05:34 < v32itas> you know when someone starts to dox something if its done right
05:35 < v32itas> useless for communications mostly bu can be used as very awesome tool for propoganda as well
05:36 -!- Spacecow [] has quit [Ping timeout: 241 seconds]
05:37 < v32itas> just learning on how to use it for a week now
05:39 < v32itas> my nick is probably googlable on facebook now too and when someone views it I get noticed
05:39 < v32itas> simple and efficient trick
05:41 < v32itas> I feel like I need to post it maybe someone will find it useful
05:43 < v32itas> there is no counter espionage board not even sure where to put it
05:49 < v32itas> I'm horrible at explaining anything

It's funny how efficiently facebook can be used for intelligence if you play by it's rules. You get noticed on everything. You just need to put everything in the right places. You know when someone tries to dox you if it's done right. Now for example I have a facebook page on my nickname (ofc first letter gets capitalized but that is not the point). Now when someone views the page I get noticed. After a logical deduction of how uncommon my nick is I am able to assume that someone is doxing, because that page is just a page, no likes on it, no useful content, no logical reason for anyone to look for such non existent thing on the internet. So again It's safe to assume that someone is looking for me. (Now I'm just playing OpenBSD 3.6 release song(favorite), because it's always the same story when someone is looking for dirt to put on a white hat. That's futile.)

Ok now I need to prove that it has more use than that. So to understand how Intelligence works you need to look at everything from very far away to be able to see bigger picture. Now Imagine that you need to protect some white hat community members. They use some nicknames for skype or any sht and lets say it's available on the internet to find as a link for deeper doxing. So this trick used on whole community will let you know on which side your haters are trying to gather The Intelligence. And because of that you can turn on that song I mentioned and just prepare the right countermeasures for any possible outcome of that dox.

Our community which translated from our language would be Internet Guerillas. Are developing their skills and inventing a new ways to deal with the threats. So not sure if it's appropriate content to share. But it looks useful at least for me and proved to be useful solving this problem

Spread love not hate.

General discussion / Re: Best os for someone new to Linux?
« on: October 11, 2015, 10:02:02 PM »
One word: slackware

Operating System / Re: unix like shell ways to get your external IP
« on: October 11, 2015, 06:32:24 AM »
On windows 8/2012 server you can just do 'curl'/'wget' since these come packed.
Very interesting. But I have no windows available here I got rid of it all. Maybe you can explain it in little bit more detail here or Maybe windows would be worth separate thread on this. Do curl and wget work same as on unix-like systems there?  I'm not using it currently but I'm very interested in windows shell too.

Reposting because of edit, just to say that I made same lesson for lithuanian programisiai community. Giving all appropriate credit for all of your awesome suggestions.,1826.0.html nicknames in bold

P.S. I'm not responsible for current forum desing blame Kulverstukas or Simba. They are administrators there. Nah just joking, everything is working fine there currently just in progress starting something.

General discussion / Re: Free Softwares stealing our datas
« on: October 07, 2015, 01:35:25 AM »
i never use free software again


Yes the fact is that nearly nothing is free in this capitalistic world. Red-Anarchy for the future generations !

hmmm sounds like interesting, have you done something like this Mr?

I did that. Actually never stopped spreading misinformation about myself since I started. I found it to be more effective than lack of information. Lack of information is hard to maintain if you get involved in any internet communities its easy to slip and leak something. So I consider it to be more effective to periodically spread some bullshit everywhere randomly. I'm talking about more obscure places like IRC, facebook etc. etc.. Spreading BS in blogs or anywhere where info is stored more permanently openly it is better to reduce BS levels. One of the first topics I commented here was about similar problem so I just give you a link.

And gonna quote my method of deception on this which possibly can be used in another ways for another things than facebook

Yes of course there is no point in asking facebook to delete your data. They are not going to do that. But what you can do about all of this, is to use disinformation. You need to report your account as fake by using someone else account(not sure if newly created accounts can be used). When account get's flagged as fake facebook requests some kind of proof of your identity. And until you provide it. All your messages becomes unreadable to other facebook users something like [flagged as spam]. So you can leave it in this way which is quite OK. Or you can create synthetic identity and pull everything on the guy that is nonexistent. You gonna need some kind of .psd template of driving license or id. So you cannot directly delete all your facebook activities, but you can use such deception by disinformation to get rid of that burden.

Not sure why some vote such threads to BoS. For me it is interesting to talk about methods for this. I would like to learn something in this field.

P.S. Everything is based just on my opinion here so do not take it too seriously before you learn about. Decide it for yourself what is best for what.

P.P.S. I got to say that this is very powerful method to actually disappear from facebook, but it requires to do some work.

Operating System / Re: unix like shell ways to get your external IP
« on: October 05, 2015, 02:01:58 PM »
Code: [Select]
dig +short
Very nice suggestion with dig, thank you. And yes curl is seriously slow.

need to add another way suggested by alienBOB from slackware community, slackware has lynx included in full install :

Code: [Select]
lynx -dump
and additional suggestion by jeaye from slackware community using curl but different domain

Code: [Select]
please add more known ways to do this  if you know, I would like to see as much ways for this as possible.

Operating System / unix like shell ways to get your external IP
« on: October 05, 2015, 04:57:09 AM »
Two very nice ways with different tools to get your external IP on unix-like systems, not dependent on shell you use.

This one I found on this forum, but extracted from whole topic just this useful part of it.
Code: [Select]
wget -qO-

Another way found in another forum, but even more simple.

Code: [Select]

These two ways should be universal on all unix-like systems linux, bsd, os x, solaris .... They're just dependent on tools and external web servers. Another way I founf that is independent on external web server, but only works on some linux VPS( depends on VPS provider networking )

Only for some linux VPS ( usefull in shell scripts )
Code: [Select]
ip a | grep "eth0" -A 2 | grep "inet" | cut -d " " -f 6 | cut -d / -f 1In most normal cases this just gets your lan eth0 ip. Just this trick for extracting IP itself from ip a output might be handy for someone interested in shell scripting.

NOTE: I suggest everyone that still uses ifconfig on linux to switch to ip and iw from iwconfig and ifconfig. Because iwconfig and ifconfig is deprecated and no longer evolving in linux. Ifconfig is godlike in BSD but only iw and ip has a future on linux.

Please add more ways to get external IP on unix like shell. I would like to see them. And this can be useful to someone later.

EDIT: ==========================
Just discovered quicker way for that greping of ip output so I think it would be apropriate to update it. So faster way is to replace grep with fgrep it might improve it's speed by few miliseconds or so. But still it is important to notice that sometimes might be better to use fgrep instead of grep.

Code: [Select]
ip a | fgrep "eth0" -A 2 | fgrep "inet" | cut -d " " -f 6 | cut -d / -f 1

Operating System / Re: Backbox update wallpaper script
« on: October 05, 2015, 02:15:13 AM »
I'm using Backbox as main linux distro, but i hate that when i change the wallpaper, the login and splash screen background remains the same. So i made this script, in case that someone hates this too.

(tipe your username where specified)
Code: [Select]

#get the file where i can find wallpaper's path
xfceFile=$(find /home/*PUT HERE YOUR USERNAME*/.config/ -name "xfce4-desktop.xml")

#get the right full wallpaper path from that file
wallpaper=$(grep -m 1 "image-path" $xfceFile | sed -n -e 's/.*value="//; s_"/>__p')
ext=$(echo $wallpaper | sed -n -e 's_.*\.__p')

#check if the wallpaper is already set or has to be updated
cmp -s $wallpaper /lib/plymouth/themes/backbox-logo/wallpaper.png
#here i check the exit status of cmp command to see the result of the comparison
if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then #same file, no need to update
    exit 0

#make a backup of the standard wallpaper
test -e /lib/plymouth/themes/backbox-logo/wallpaper.png.bak && echo "" || cp /lib/plymouth/themes/backbox-logo/wallpaper.png /lib/plymouth/themes/backbox-logo/wallpaper.png.bak

#remove the old one and put the current wall
rm /lib/plymouth/themes/backbox-logo/wallpaper.png
if [ "$ext" != "png" ]; then #if it's not a png file, convert it to png
    convert $wallpaper $wallpaper.png
cp $wallpaper /lib/plymouth/themes/backbox-logo/wallpaper.png
rm $wallpaper 2>/dev/null #remove the temp png file if present (no output text)
update-initramfs -u

exit 0

I put it as shutdown and restart service. To do that just save it without extension, "chmod 755" it, put it in /etc/init.d, and then symlink it (ln -s *file* *destination*) to /etc/rc0.d/K90*filename* and /etc/rc6.d/K90*filename*. rc0 is for shutdown and rc6 for restart. K90 stands for KILL (it runs when closing the session) at 90 priority (pretty low priority).
Or you can make it start whenever the wallpaper is changed, as a thunar custom action...

Anyway... Did it for fun, more than other  ::)

Some interesting thinking was here. But on unix-like systems there is not much point to reinvent bicycle. But to simply set wallpaper on any DE/WM in unix like systems, tool as feh might work as charm with such easy and memorable command line
Code: [Select]
feh --bg-center /path/to/wallpaper.jpgworks with URL too
Code: [Select]
feh --bg-center
Now this part of your code
Code: [Select]
xfceFile=$(find /home/*PUT HERE YOUR USERNAME*/.config/ -name "xfce4-desktop.xml")
I suggest you to use ~/ instead of /home/*PUT HERE YOUR USERNAME*/
since ~/ works like charm at solving that /home/username/ writing thing on probably all modern unix-like systems and all shells I ever tried. Which would make it look so much simpler

Code: [Select]
xfceFile=$(find ~/.config/ -name "xfce4-desktop.xml")
Of course some hardcore unix power users might disagree with my suggestion to use feh. But it's ok I havent faced any serious problems with that.
However I cannot understand all that additional hassle on setting wallpaper. But that's my personal opinion.

Oh I just checked what that backbox is. Now I see. Based on ubuntu? Now this explains this pointless additional level of complexity. And solution to non-existent problem. I would not recommend to use any distro like this one as your main. Go for somethin real, slackware or gentoo. Of course that's just my personal suggestion to you.

KISS - Keep it Simple Stupid

Vibosoft Android Mobile Manager is a smart program for mobile phone users to transfer SMS to computer from any Android smartphone. You can view, edit and print SMS Android mode amazing thread in PC. By transferring SMS Android to your computer, mobile phone storage will be released to store more data, and you can read the text messages on computer in CSV or TEXT format.

by your message style looks like you just advertising it.

In my opinion easier is:
Code: [Select]
adb shell
find / -name "*mmssms*"
cp path-to-db /sdcard/sms_backup.db
adb pull  /sdcard/sms_backup.db

and this is a one of those sexy examples of how things can be done in really simple ways. +

Found it on the Webs / wtf is this?
« on: August 26, 2015, 12:05:08 AM »

I googled for my nickname and accidently found god knows what and it's from one topic that we have here.

General discussion / Re: Mental illness?
« on: August 15, 2015, 05:35:49 PM »
I have borderline personality disorder (BPD) and avoidant personality disorder (AvPD).
One of the worst things about it is that I often think: "I need to talk to someone so bad, I can't live like this for my entire life..." and after barely 10 minutes I could be like "Nah, the only problem here is mankind, and that's why I don't talk to anyone and don't have any relationship, they don't deserve me, and I'm fine with it.".

Basically I spend my days at the computer, talking to my parents only, and leaving my house just to take my dog out or for some commissions, and I'm often depressed, thinking about suicide.

My computers are the only reason I'm still here: my wish for learning is superior to everything.

I used to have such thoughts and they comes back from time to time, but I always named it just as mindfuck state. So most effective way out from this mindfuck state I've found was writing down everything that is a part of that mindfuck. By writing it down you realize that it was actually just a mindfuck But there is no need to stop writing after that. Continue writing down your thoughts. And In few days you going to notice that everything you write down gets more clear and organized every day as well as your mind. As well you might notice improved concentration and memory.

By journaling all important activity from your past and present and making yourself to-do lists(and completing them) you can improve your overall performance and realize that you're more important than you thought. So journaling things you achieve and learn boosts your self-esteem.

Each time you get into mindfuck state just start writing about yourself. Fill all missing achievements since last journal update. Explain what were you're doing all day in journal. And what are you going to do, what should you do. Try to prioritize those goals. After you finish journaling, start executing tasks from your to-do list. Remember that the only person you can trust is YOU and you just have no time for being depressed.

P.S. This writing will also improve your speaking, you will be able to talk more clearly. But this journal is only for you not for public, keep it to yourself. A lot of brilliant people used to write for themselves. You can find a lot of articles about benefits of this journaling.

just google for more. Everything that I've said is from my own experience.

News and Announcements / Re: KULVERSTUKAS
« on: August 04, 2015, 09:11:59 AM »
Kaip tik galvojau sidro pasimt, tai ikalsiu i tavo sveikata.

General discussion / Re: Mental illness?
« on: August 03, 2015, 09:32:02 PM »
Antisocial Personality Disorder. And not even self diagnosed but I can tell that by people which sticks around me for too long. They all somehow starts to hate me(then they just need a brake) after brake they loves me again. Oh well it's just some psychiatrist made it sound that ridiculous. Actually Society goes against it self. And I'm just on my own.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Brainet
« on: July 11, 2015, 05:02:05 AM »
Recently, we proposed that Brainets, i.e. networks formed by multiple animal brains, cooperating and exchanging information in real time through direct brain-to-brain interfaces, could provide the core of a new type of computing device: an organic computer. Here, we describe the first experimental demonstration of such a Brainet, built by interconnecting four adult rat brains."

Full Story

Dont get it how these brains are wired. But that is very interesting. I imagine wired monkeys brains cracking serious captchas and sht like that.

Scripting Languages / Re: [python]Download Porn Script
« on: May 27, 2015, 07:14:20 PM »
+1 for this love spreading

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