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Messages - Cylar

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Unable to find sql logins?
« on: March 30, 2015, 08:51:05 PM »
Hey i been searching dorks and testing sites but im not able to find one with a login / cpanel / admin login
I wonder if its my search on dorks if so can you tell me some to use please i been searching for 4 hours for single site now

Beginner's Corner / Best langauge for coding 0day exploits???
« on: March 29, 2015, 06:01:11 AM »
Hello i was wondering what programming langauge is best for coding exploits.

I know this is probably asked alot but people say one thing then another all the time

I know that python is great for coding hacking tools but for 0day exploits its all right was just wondering
if there was another thanks and sorry for the short thread.

Anonymity and Privacy / Linux Anonymity
« on: March 27, 2015, 10:36:19 PM »
Linux Short Anonymity Guide.


First things first set up a ssh tunnel.
And encryption.

Command: sudo ssh-keygen -b 1024
Command: sudo ssh -D <port> <host>@

Now you need to install vidalia and change the socksv4 proxy to
and use the port that you used for the ssh tunnel above.

Now you need to open your browser preferably firefox, And type in the URL.
Search dns.
And allow all.

Mac Chains And Proxychains

First things first.
Install macchanger: sudo apt-get install macchanger
Install Proxychains: sudo apt-get install proxychains

Run this command to randomize your mac address.

sudo macchanger -A -r -b <interface>

Next when scanning and exploiting sites.
Use proxychains.


proxychains nmap -sSV -O -Pn --packet-trace
proxychains python2 -u --dbs
proxychains nikto -h <host>
proxychains ping <host>

Tracing Cookies

There are some cookies that track your everyday browses.
The cookie will contain your ID number and be able to track you.

I recommend installing HTTPS anywhere.
And browsing cookies and also settings that track you.

TOR network

Now you all know about tor its pretty obvious.
Make sure you configured your vidalia with your ssh to tunnel threw
tor using 1024 bit encryption.

Allways Allways switch to TOR using proxyselector when visiting
A target site.
A victims page.
Or general browsing to remain secure.

I recommend using no script too.

Encrypting Disk And Wiping Data

Now some unix/linux distrobutions have a encryption option on install
i recommend doing so or using true crypt using sha256 encryption.
Fully encrypt your disks. use a high bit.

Allways keep a usb and cd spare

Keep the linux you are using on the disk
and keep files on the usb
wipe your harddrive and reinstall linux every 4 to 5 weeks and save
important files scans on the usb.
Then format the usb once the files are on your computer.

Final Notes

This is my first guide on here im sorry about the low quality.

Few more things to keep note there is also alot more stuff that i have missed out on
such as i2p networks, hotspots, Vpn software, vps servers, wifi, sockets, and more
Thanks for reading hope this helps out.


General discussion / Re: Anyone Want To Code A Python (RAT)
« on: March 26, 2015, 12:01:50 PM »
The pyRat Will not be in CLI mode.
I will code it GUI.

I will get to encryption later there are encryption libarys in python.
Just because the file size is bigger that doesnt mean anything.
The bigger the better if you see a file the size of 300kb = Rat <----
Now if you seen some leggit looking program like setup.exe = 12mb <---- Looks more leggit

General discussion / Re: Anyone Want To Code A Python (RAT)
« on: March 25, 2015, 06:34:40 PM »
It's just a project.
I will properly think it threw when that time comes but at the moment its a project
Nothing more.

General discussion / Re: Anyone Want To Code A Python (RAT)
« on: March 25, 2015, 05:30:39 PM »
Well i mean it's just a project but if i wanted to encrypt it then.
I would probably convert it into a .exe file exstention and encrypt it that way.

Or i would use metasploit payload encoded payloads and infect with a peice of shellcode.
Either way there is allways a way no matter what and thats the beauty of hacking is to find
a way people have not found before or even thought of.

General discussion / Re: Anyone Want To Code A Python (RAT)
« on: March 25, 2015, 05:07:06 PM »
Encode it.
Pretty simple answer.

General discussion / Anyone Want To Code A Python (RAT)
« on: March 25, 2015, 04:27:34 PM »
Hello there i was wondering if anyone wanted to code a python (RAT),
I can allready code one i was just wondering if anyone wanted to help and maybe improve it.
I want it to be able to do as much as a .NET (RAT).

Python has a webcam Library that i am looking at.

Functions that i will include are:
*Message Pop Up
*Play sound
*Remote Shutdown
*Port scans
*And Much more.

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