« on: October 07, 2011, 02:16:53 AM »
Thanks seci for a great intro. Looks like this is on its way to being a good tutorial. Couple of things :
a. I like the way the suggested languages were outlined bec that gives someone a list to choose from and where to start. If you go in depth, maybe it would help if you could give a list of topics per language which you think are specifically important to learn (ex. PHP - file inclusions, C++ - memory alloc) or something similar
b. I also notice that bulk of the skills mentioned are programming related. Anything you suggest for sysadmin stuff? (Unix tools, Windows tools, networking tools)
c. You could also include tips on tools and what you think is the ideal setup for a hacker to have to make his hacking more efficient (C++ IDEs, HTTrack for web exploitation, etc)
Just some suggestions. Kudos for a good tut.