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Messages - mendaxhaxx2011

Pages: [1]
Anonymity and Privacy / Re: How to stay anonymous!
« on: October 10, 2011, 09:26:23 PM »
@ande: thanks. Not so familiar about networking but catching up. Will do.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: How to stay anonymous!
« on: October 07, 2011, 02:36:36 AM »
Guys I've been reading on 3proxy. Just a quick newb question: after I install this and have it running as a service (am using Windows btw), do i need to configure anything else to route requests thru this proxy (ex. proxy settings for browser) ? or is all my outgoing network traffic automatically hidden using it already and no more addl config required?

If I understand it correctly, if I use 3proxy.exe this automatically invokes all the separate proxies (socks, proxy, ftp)?

Thanks in advance

Tutorials / Re: Getting into the hacker mindset
« on: October 07, 2011, 02:16:53 AM »
Thanks seci for a great intro. Looks like this is on its way to being a good tutorial. Couple of things :

a. I like the way the suggested languages were outlined bec that gives someone a list to choose from and where to start. If you go in depth, maybe it would help if you could give a list of topics per language which you think are specifically important to learn (ex. PHP - file inclusions, C++ - memory alloc) or something similar

b. I also notice that bulk of the skills mentioned are programming related. Anything you suggest for sysadmin stuff? (Unix tools, Windows tools, networking tools)

c. You could also include tips on tools and what you think is the ideal setup for a hacker to have to make his hacking more efficient (C++ IDEs, HTTrack for web exploitation, etc)

Just some suggestions. Kudos for a good tut.


Guys - I have a semi-similar issue. I'm trying to test this site for XSS vulns then I tried doing

ftp://<site's url>

then it prompted me for a username/pwd. Does this mean the remote FTP is open? If so,is there a way to exploit this without pwd cracking? If not what would be the suggested approach?

Note, I'm connecting to this server via the internet.

PS : I apologize if ever this requires me to start a new thread instead of posting to this existing one. Let me know what i have to do in case I overlooked anything.

Thanks in advance

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: How to stay anonymous!
« on: September 27, 2011, 06:09:42 AM »
@xzid: thanks, my bad. Tried the link and got it. Will update this thread once I try this out. To prove that the vpn services are not really "anonymous" :

correcting the link :

It's indeed better to create your own.


Anonymity and Privacy / Re: How to stay anonymous!
« on: September 25, 2011, 07:54:31 AM »

I tried the link :[/font]

and its not working says URL could not be found. Is this part of what you just said the archives being online soon? Sorry newb to this site. Hope it goes online soon looking forward to this.


Pages: [1]

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