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Messages - SerpentOne

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: I want to learn
« on: March 20, 2015, 02:40:04 AM »
Yea but it doesn't tell me how, and for some reason no body wishes to reveal that knowledge

the IT department allows me to pen test their systems as long as I don't do anything that will shut down the net. I want to learn how to hack because I have a suspicion that all the account credentials for my school are not stored as secure as they should be but Novell is keeping me from seeing those files(i found te location of the files). I have full permission to do this.

I am in advanced programming right now and that teacher, whom is an ex admin for the school, trusts me so much she gave me one of the admin accounts and I use it to do things like lock backgrounds and update flash, java, and mozzila.

PS our tech department sucks.

General discussion / I want to learn
« on: March 20, 2015, 01:27:50 AM »
I am in highschool and and want to get into the field of penetration testing, and system security, however I don't know how to hack or where to start. I have Kali Linux and the most I have succeeded in doing is using a deauth attack to mess with friends at school. Please point me in the right direction because this is something I really want to do. The websites I have been to, the people are very vague like they are hiding something from those who wish to learn how to hack. I already have  general idea(you search for vulnerabilities and exploit them). I can get the vulnerability through metasploit but its the exploiting part I don't get. I also don't want to be dependant on other's code. I just want some guidance. :)

We all had to start somewhere, for me it is here.
sorry for bad typing I have a sticky keyboard.

Pages: [1]

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