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Messages - geekmango

Pages: [1]
Tutorials / Injecting payload into softwares via HTTP
« on: June 17, 2015, 10:51:19 PM »
Demo Link:
Hi, this is a quick demo about how to backdoor executables (software) sent over
HTTP using MITMF, backdoor factory
This attack works on LAN


Kali Linux or any Linux OS
Wireless USB Adapter e.g. (TL-WN722N)
MITMf (man-in-the-middle framework)
MSFconsole or Armitage
LAN network, same as the target/victim


Machine A-victim
Machine B-attacker
A situation where machine A wants to download a software for example winrar, the victim goes through google and lands on the page ( the attacker is already waiting to inject payload into binaries served over (HTTP)
This attack is possible because a lot of tool websites still serve binaries via non-SSL/TLS means

Staff Edit: Why ruin your content with that large bbcode and poor formatting?

Pages: [1]

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