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Messages - TheUnknown

Pages: [1]
Anonymity and Privacy / Re: How to stay anonymous!
« on: September 03, 2011, 08:15:56 PM »
Thanks, and thank you for replying. I didn't know.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: How to stay anonymous!
« on: September 03, 2011, 11:57:55 AM »
Ok, thanks for your reply. I didn't know this was that kind of page were it is common knowledge. Everyone can join right? Therefore I thought newbies could join also, when I was new, I didn't knew there was something named VPN. That was the reason why I posted this, and I just wanted to contribute. Anyways I'll keep it in mind for my posts in the future.

Hacking and Security / Re: What is a Hacker? [debate]
« on: September 03, 2011, 01:03:21 AM »
WhiteHat = "Good hacker" - trying to stop BlackHats
BlackHat = "Bad hacker" - tring to steal money do "bad" stuff

Hacking and Security / Re: Bypass School Security Filter
« on: September 03, 2011, 12:42:19 AM »

works like a charm for me

Anonymity and Privacy / How to stay anonymous!
« on: September 03, 2011, 12:30:30 AM »
Hi folks,

First of all I will just say that I am a completely new member here at evilzone. I was kinda suprised when I saw there weren't any posts about VPN's here, so I guess this site is quite new. Even tho Im new here that doesn't mean that Im a newbie, cause Im not. So I just thought that I will share with you how you can stay anonymous on the internet.

VPN = Virtual private network. It is tools that are used to create point to point connections, like tunnels in a computer network, like the internet. VPN's are used to encrypt your information in these tunnels, so nobody else can get a hold of your information.

Two good free VPN's are:
1. proXPN -
2. CyberGhost -
Okey, so these VPN's are the most common ones. You can get them for free, but then with restrictions. Only 1 GB computer traffic or something. There is plenty of totally free VPN's out there, but they won't make you totally anonymous. (Search Google for free vpn) You may pay for these two also, that will give you pemium VPN or whatever it's called. THEN you'll have a great, secure, stable and strong VPN. If you are into some bad stuff or anything; I RECOMMEND THIS!!!
So go ahead, sign up and download one of these VPN's. I use them both. Cause when my limit is used up on one of them, I'll switch to the other. I also have one completely free called "UltraVPN 1.0". It's the first release (1.0) so it's not that good. It works (changes my IP and stuff), but it ain't that stable.

I thought that I didn't need the make an tutorial on how to use these. Cause it's really simple. Sign up, Download, Log in, Connect. Nothing more, stay anonymous. The reason why I told you about proxpn and cyberghost is because they are the best ones on the market.
Anyways you can always use:, but it isn't so fun to visit that page before opening every single page on the internet.
I hoped you enjoyed my first post here at EvilZone and learned something. If you need any help, feel free to pm me.
This is 100% written by me, so if you use this or reffer to this; please give proper credits to me.

- TheUnknown

Pages: [1]

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