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Messages - DeXtreme

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Scripting Languages / Re: Python Windows Reverse shell...
« on: August 17, 2014, 04:28:27 PM »
It opens a new process each time,executes the command and terminates the process so it doesn't keep track of directories you've cd'ed into. You might have to code that feature yourself or "ls" alot.

Scripting Languages / Re: Python Windows Reverse shell...
« on: August 17, 2014, 03:30:44 AM »
Well i don't think it's much of a shell if you don't receive any output from the command you execute. Try something like this instead;

Code: (Python) [Select]
#recieve command
            #execute command
            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,\
                            stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
            #send output

subprocess.Popen returns the result of the command executed. Check out for the full code.

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: "Bioshock Infinite" mini-review
« on: August 08, 2014, 04:43:15 PM »
Finished it recently and it was awesome. The story was so captivating and the ending albeit a bit confusing was great. I wonder if there's gonna be a 2.

Creative Arts / Re: Evilzone Album #2
« on: July 13, 2014, 12:37:49 AM »
I'd like to help too,with lyrics. Can't promise they''ll be ultra-tight but i'd like to give it whirl ;D

Love this song though-This is Evilzone -

Hanorotu's work.It's great and i like to attempt a remix :D   

Projects and Discussion / Re: Project Shebang
« on: June 16, 2014, 09:50:42 PM »
On what OS was that ?
The way I know works is by using wpa_supplicant and just assigning a static IP with ifconfig, dont forget to add a route with route add.
I seen many GUI tools fucking that up.
The clean way to do it would be to see if arping responds on a certain IP address to make sure it is free so there wont be any conflicts.
Or fire up netdiscover before assigning an address, that way you will have a nice overview of the current pool connected to the AP, this will in turn give you all the MAC addresses on the network aswell it also does lookups for vendors which allow you to quickly pick out the phones etc etc.

Kali Linux. I used the Networking GUI. Wasn't conversant with using  the CLI then so you're probably right.

Okay so I read up and wrote this script.Pretty simple really.Wrote it so to use it, first thing you have to send is the KEY. I'll write it in C next.

Keep track of current directory

All suggestions are welcome ;D

Code: (python) [Select]
import socket,subprocess

#create socket
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET,socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)

#open port 5052 and listen for connections

while 1:
    #accept connections

    #recieve the key
    while con and key=="XXX":
            #recieve command

            #execute command
            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,\
                            stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)

            #send output

Projects and Discussion / Re: Project Shebang
« on: June 16, 2014, 08:41:47 PM »
Well you said that you will be using it on a WLAN mostly which is not much different from something a regular LAN.
Using a fixed IP address is by far the easiest, very often sys admins tend to specify a DHCP pool from a certain starting point to an endpoint , any addresses not in that range will never be in use or are used for specific services etc.
But I understand that this isn't fancy enough :P

Since you are on the same LAN and we we wont have to bothered with things like NAT and other network horrors there is also no real reason to use a reverse connection , you can in this case flip the model and use the clients as servers.
Having them open a specific port and fetch the data yourself, this way they dont depend on a server on the network thus less things to go wrong.

Another idea might be to use mere force,  in the realm of computing ~250 or tenfolds are nothing.
It might be a little noisy but why not have the client attempt to connect to the entire range of addresses in the network.
Say the client is  on and the server is on .058.
Just let the client attempt a connection to say port 32112 on the entire range from  0-254.
Within milliseconds it will hit the server and a connection is established.

Perhaps using things like broadcast or reverse DNS might be interesting protocols to investigate.
Keeping it KISS is the way to go no matter what you do :))

True. Those could work but if remember correctly i tried assigning my own IP address and my laptop just plain refused to connect to the WLAN(What do you think could have caused that?). The networks i plan on using have little or no network monitoring so i'm taking advantage of that to be a little lose with the anonymity and focus on core functionality. Computer security isn't something taken very seriously here(Yay for me ;D) I think i'll write a different script for each method, just for the sake of learning.

Damn, I'm stuck on that Javascript room. Anyone have any tips?

Me too. I don't get it.  :(

Projects and Discussion / Re: Project Shebang
« on: June 15, 2014, 10:57:08 PM »
There are other packet capture and packet decoding/encoding for python. Here's a couple. You might have to have specific version of Python though.

Problem is there's not a ton of documentation for these modules.

You could also craft the RARP request from scratch using raw sockets, but I think I found what you are looking for; this library can craft RARP packets:

Cool. Thanks again frog.

You are making this very difficult on yourself, I suggest reading up a bit on TCP/IP

 ;D Great advice. Shoulda done this before getting so specific. I am not done read this TCP/IP book i got but a quick question;

Instead of using MAC, could i just query the network's DNS server with my computer name?

Projects and Discussion / Re: Project Shebang
« on: June 14, 2014, 01:16:07 AM »
Yeah it's on LAN.WLAN to be exact.I read up on ARP requests and it looks like it's only good for looking up the MAC address with the IP. The opposite is RARP but it seems it's not activated by default. I was planning on sending a SYN packet with my MAC using Scapy and reading the IP from the ACK packet. Then connecting via Socket with that. Only problem is downloading all the files needed to run Scapy on Windows. The sites seem to be down from here.

Too bad you can't save your progress though. :(

Projects and Discussion / Re: Project Shebang
« on: June 13, 2014, 07:10:21 PM »
I have Teensy2.0, it's kinda cheap and cool. Don't bother with the SDcard shield tho, it's useless.
py2exe for a reverse shell sounds like an overkill bro. There are plenty of example code to do it in C/++. Much better that way, and as I said before, there's always Netcat.

True.It would be better that way. However my original plan for the reverse shell was to connect back based on my MAC address. So regardless of my IP the shell can still find me. It's mainly for the WLAN at school. People log on and off so IPs aren't constant.
My C isn't that good either ;D so i thought I'd use Python as proof of concept. Maybe later code it in C.

What do you think?

No problem, just trying to keep the wheels turning.. Where are you at in the world? Just curious about your reasoning on ordering things.

Ghana..shipping isn't exactly a breezy down here and the rates are sky high.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Project Shebang
« on: June 13, 2014, 04:21:17 AM »
Thanks a lot frog. That's pretty useful stuff. Originally i planned on simply copying the files to the directories and editing the registry but your way sounds interesting. Plus the .exe in .exe info looks great. I'll be sure to look into it.

Gonna have to put a hold on the Teensy though. Ordering stuff from here is murder.

But thanks again. I'll keep y'all posted. ;D

Awesome ;D keep us posted. I've been reading up on HID and it seems The Teensy is perfect for this. +1

Projects and Discussion / Re: Project Shebang
« on: June 12, 2014, 09:41:12 PM »
This is what he's looking for:
Autorun is dead, forget about it. HID is the future.

Python reverse shell sounds ridiculous. A regular user won't have python installed and on linux it can just be blocked. I'd go for netcat or at least a MSF generated reverse shell...

I was gonna compile the script to .exe with py2exe or pyinstaller. Plus i just wanted the feel of writing a reverse shell ;D I've been checking out HID but i'm not sure i can get the hardware. I'll continue reading up on it though

Projects and Discussion / Project Shebang
« on: June 12, 2014, 08:16:23 PM »
Heya fellas, I was thinking about writing script,probably batch, which when run will:

1.Copy a reverse-shell executable(written in python) to the host and make it run at startup

2.Replace the Sticky keys application with a cmd.exe

3.Dump the SAM database

4.Save a rough directory listing of folders like My Documents etc

And whole lot of other stuff i'm yet to think of.

Loaded on a USB stick. I'll have to run it myself of course but is there a way to automate it?

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