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Messages - toolbox331

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Well it seems my previous post was locked, apologies for the mess that the topic caused and thank you all for the suggestions. Once again sorry..

Hacking and Security / ISP router backdoor
« on: June 30, 2015, 10:45:23 PM »
Hey guys, i've been using the isp router for quite some time and for my lack of experience and knowledge at the time i know now that they have remote acess to it to perform updates... well atleast that's what they told me... I was wondering if i buy a router and use that instead, can it prevent them from doing such action, snooping etc? And until i have a chance to get one if i block the isp ip's that are constantly connecting when i browse will that prevent in some degree the data leakage. Can you guys recommend me a good but cheap router? Also since we're on the topic i use peerblock and bitdefender security suite and it seems to do the job but i was wondering what software you guys use or recommend. Thank you

Hacking and Security / Using google dns / open dns question
« on: March 03, 2015, 08:35:31 PM »
Hi, is it a good idea to use a different dns from the the isp. Say the isp is tracking what you download etc will changing the dns do any good?

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