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Messages - hardstylurr

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Mobile Hacking / Apple ID can't just be inpenetrable..
« on: March 02, 2015, 05:22:09 PM »
Someone has to bring this topic up. I'm suprised no one here has, although I've only been here five minutes or so. I'm running around different forums registering so I'm allowed to post topics and such. I do this when google comes up short, and youtube aswell, or other search engines. So forums are what I try next if I really feel like going deeper into something. Whether you obtain a stolen iphone, ipad, etc., or you purchace a used one, or had it long enough to somehow forget your credentials to the point where even you (being the legitimate owner) cannot recover your credentials, There are more and more Idevices around that are pretty much useless, because even after doing a factory reset, you are presented with a security measure requiring you to enter the apple ID of the user that originally set up the phone. Without this information, it does not allow you to proceed. And I figure by now there has to be a known way to bypass this apple ID. Being known as the computer guy among my friends I am constantly asked if I can get past this apple ID and I have to say no all the time.
I read up on these guys who modify their hosts file on there computers such that when Apple attempts to contact their servers during the recovery or set up process (which I guess perhaps checks some sort of identifying signature of the phone and checks if it corresponds to an account which will invoke this security measure to activate), it instead gets routed to some server somewhere which somehow tells the phone everything is all good and not to worry about asking for an apple ID, and thus bypassing it successfully. But aside from not knowing how to either find or set up a server to trick the phone into thinking it contacted it's home base, it is also mentioned that a critical step is somehow then not taken which will render the phone unable to use any sim card. Which tells me that this process is in it's infancy and they were just excited to actually have bypassed the apple ID it's self. And I also saw a youtube video with a few timed and sequenced button presses involving dialing a number through the emergency dialer then hanging up and pressing a button a few times and such, but I've seen many versions of this which suggests it isnt actually real. This also would only work for phones considering it requires the dial pad. Anyway, I've rambled on about it enough now hopefully to get a few people to comment or reply. I'm not particularly hoping for an answer upfront because I'm sure I would have found it by now, but maybe someone else has some input on the topic it's self or who knows, maybe there is an answer to it. I am also aware of geeksnow which claims to do it but i guess just for ios 7.0.1 or something. Thanks evilzone, any discussion would be appreciated

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