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Messages - MrExplorer

Pages: [1]
Beginner's Corner / Re: Port Forwarding
« on: February 27, 2015, 07:35:56 AM »

I also wanted to Port Forward for my Kali Linux installed in VMWare, So change these setting, After setting this up, I tested again if the Port Forwarded or not in Kali Linux & it was & then i tried it in my Real System if the port forwarded or not, It was, I want to know what the hell is happening here.

Please help me out.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Port Forwarding
« on: February 27, 2015, 06:28:16 AM »
Sir, I port forwarded the TP-Link Modem, & then i check if the port is forwarded or not.
This video helped me out, In the video there is command "nc -lvp 4545" which is need to run to listen to the port.
Is there any similar command for Windows as i want to check, i tried to check without that command it does show it to be closed.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Port Forwarding
« on: February 27, 2015, 03:34:06 AM »
First of all thanks, at last someone repliead, but i am not able to able to understand what are you trying to explain to me.
are you saying that i should port forward both of the modem.

Beginner's Corner / Port Forwarding
« on: February 26, 2015, 05:26:24 PM »
I am having two router, The is Nanostation v5, Which is placed as tariff for catching up the Internet Connection & That router is connected to my Wifi Device of TP-Link. I want to Port Forward for Pentesting purpose.

I am confused which one i have to port forward the Nanostation or TP-Link.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Hello Everyone, Beginer
« on: February 26, 2015, 02:49:06 AM »
 :'(  Don't Call me fool, I mean there are 4 Network setting in VMWare which would connect them internally, & i tried pinging the ip of Windows from Kali, It wasn't up but i was running Windows 7 side by side.

Beginner's Corner / Hello Everyone, Beginer
« on: February 26, 2015, 02:42:43 AM »
I wouldn't say I am a complete beginner & ask where to start from. I have been working on a security forum from last many years & i have been able to learn a lot from there, Now i joined this forum to learn some new stuff.

I am able to understand many concepts of Hacking but when i try to apply them up, i do got one or two problem, so i guess the Community will surely help me out.

Sorry this post include some Intro part, but i was unable to find the Introduction Section.

Now just trying out learn some stuff in kali linux.

One of my Problem: I was trying to setup a lab for pentesting using VMWare.
Installed Kali Linux of VMWare & Windows 7 & i am not able to setup connection between those Operating System.

Pages: [1]

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