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Messages - Xeru

Pages: [1]
Oh this is cool, +1 for making this open to everyone, also +1 for making it in python and not making in in a flashy-shitty EXE file and basking in glory like MOST such tool creators do...
Anyway, the way that skype allows to check user availability is stupid and it just allows to information leaking such as this. But does block an IP after certain amount of checks? or you use tor for new IP each time so that microsoft couldn't see who'se abusing it?

After five or six queries in a certain time, it starts returning false 200 (available) where it should be returning 403 (taken). It's pointless for them to do, but they did make it more difficult anyway :P
Previously I made it one check every seven seconds, but that was so slow, checking a thousand names took ages.

Check it out here: exec/sumac
Made this a while ago, if you experience any issues feel free to let me know by opening an issue at the github repo, replying here, or getting a hold of me at any of the contact methods listed in my signature.

Also please check out the other repos on my github, they're kind of cool too. ;)

I've been using stock Android full-disk encryption for a while because it'll protect from thieves (so long as they don't have badges).
Now I'll have to find time and decrypt it, encrypt with this. Thanks for sharing this, it looks fantastic.

Operating System / Re: LFS vs Gentoo vs Slackware
« on: February 22, 2015, 03:42:00 AM »
Is it bad that I prefer simple Debian or Slackware with KDE over all these 'fancy' distros?
Gentoo just doesn't do it for me, not sure why. Slackware and Debian have been good experiences for me.
Of course, you have to modify KDE to look less... horrific. But once that's done, both debian and slackware are pretty neat.

Hacking and Security / Re: Lenovo superfish scandel
« on: February 22, 2015, 03:36:40 AM »
Just hours before this news broke, I was reading up on how Lenovo was the "fastest growing PC company" or similar. What a shame, but it's funny that the article I previously mentioned was removed once the news broke. This was on a well-known news website.

Pages: [1]

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