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Found it on the Webs / Really good tutorial about crypto
« on: July 04, 2015, 11:55:32 PM »

I wish to present you this github:

I know this is french but you can learn a lot from there is a book here free :

This is the only thing you will need (and understand french obviously ;p).
There is like 18 sessions this will be fun .I really hope you will enjoy this :)

Projects and Discussion / Re: Hacking Game
« on: June 10, 2015, 04:17:37 PM »
This is the link:

Actually, it still very rough and there are more bugs than lines of code, so I think it's too early to put it into the releases

I can help you to make a better code when i have some times. I develop (school) in C/C++ since 2013 and I see that you can improve this code a lot.

You must learn about pointer function then STL after that you can see some idea about Templates because this will save you a lot of time.

Pages: [1]

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