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Messages - m0rph

Pages: [1] 2
Tutorials / Re: Taku's XSS handbook
« on: February 17, 2016, 02:53:46 PM »
Where's the handbook? All I see is your thread with common knowledge material.
Pardon me my good Sir, but, in your opinion, what would some non-common XSS techniques consist of?

(for everyone else blindfuzzy, as is our usual banter)

General discussion / Re: Half-Life 3... and why it wont happen
« on: January 20, 2016, 12:02:12 PM »
THIS IS BLASPHEMY! I hope you are ashamed of yourself Sir!

Beginner's Corner / Re: Discover all IP addresses in a Local network.
« on: January 10, 2016, 06:29:37 PM »
Jesus don't necessarily need tools to do this...if you want to discover all ICMP Echo request enabled devices on your subnet you can simply use native system commands.
Code: [Select]
for /L %i in (1,1,254) do @ping -n 1 -w 1 X.X.X.%i | find "from"
Alternatively on linux:
Code: [Select]
for i in `seq 1 254`; do ping -c 1 -W 1 X.X.X.$i | grep 'from'; done
Granted, you will not be able to discover devices that have ICMP Echo requests disabled and you will limit your ping sweeps to one particular subnet, but I digress. Learn to use your damn system before you start looking for tools.

General discussion / Re: What were your Christmas presents?
« on: December 27, 2015, 04:31:46 AM »
I problems from drinking too much. Otherwise, nothing for the 5th year in a row. To include receiving a card.

Hacking and Security / Re: Website Defacement
« on: December 10, 2015, 12:51:19 PM »
XSS isn't supported
Actually, this is 100% false. XSS can, in fact, be used to deface a website (server-side if the method is stored, client-side if the method is reflected). Here are some ways XSS can be used like a pro:

-Reverse Shell On Server via XSS-
Code: [Select]

-Reverse Shell On Client via Reflective XSS-
Code: [Select]

-XSS Being Used As A Worm-
Code: [Select]

-Stealing Online Sessions With XSS-
Code: [Select]

So on and so forth. Don't ever insinuate an attack is useless just because you don't understand how it works. That is a prime example of skid behavior. There is nothing wrong with being a noob. All of us were noobs at one point. There is no excuse for claiming an absolute false as being true when you don't even know the principle behind it. That is the definition of being an ignorant retard.

General discussion / Re: Lets talk about names?
« on: December 04, 2015, 11:08:02 AM »
/offtopic Hahaha, shit son. Me and DarkVision are gonna crew up and make the biggest wall of text known to man.
Idk...Recon has you guys beat already with "Dr. Noire."

This is not my first nick. I did a lot of really stupid shit under an old nick. Some things were good, some were really really ignorant and honestly, quite immature. I'm not saying I've grown up much since then, but as time has gone on, I've changed. First, m0rph was my idea for a never ending rampage across the internet, then it was misguided vigilantism (my golden years), now it's just to find a meaningful purpose for my life. Thus, m0rph, doesn't mean any one thing in particular. Today, it can be one thing, tomorrow it could have a different meaning. That's the beauty of change. It's an idea that you can morph your life in any way you desire.

Hacking and Security / Re: Issues with airodump-ng Vbox
« on: December 01, 2015, 04:06:58 AM »
Regardless of the +1 hopefully I was on the right track :D
Very very very close; however, you had the ring levels wrong. There are various translation techniques for a Guest OS to communicate with hardware on Host's Ring 0; however, the VM itself is ran in Host Ring 3; however, it has higher privileges than other applications on the Host OS in Ring 3 and there are certain circumstances where the Guest OS must execute on Host's Ring 0 (in your case to communicate with your USB dongle giving the Guest OS exclusive Ring 0 privileges to that particular hardware).

If you'd like to learn more I recommend starting on page 3 here:

In anycase, for being very close and on the right track, you get a +1.

Hacking and Security / Re: Issues with airodump-ng Vbox
« on: November 30, 2015, 06:57:58 PM »
As a seasoned veteran, I am in agreement with iTpHo3NiX. Atheros makes the best wireless chipsets, period. Realtek is mediocre, but don't ever buy Broadcom (unless you like proprietary drivers that don't support packet injection, then by all means).

Having the usb device set in VM -> Settings -> USB has stopped my host OS from having it show up as an adapter and it went straight to my VM.
I will give you a +1 right here, right now, if you can explain why that happened. I will give you a hint: ring.

You know, I seem to remember rooting a hosting server on a Russian ISP called ROPNet a couple of years back, and sitting on it for a few months when all of a sudden it was owned at a lower level by a perl bot written by a group called Angels of Anarchy or Anarchy Angels...something like that. They were American and most of them from Wisconsin. I don't suppose you would know anything about that would you OP?

Beginner's Corner / Re: Can a host have zero open port? Is it possible?
« on: September 09, 2015, 03:14:50 PM »
But if the admin enable MAC filtering or IP filtering the router must have an open port that just let special MAC or IP for connect to it remotely. Can these ports Ability to find?
Please read this first:

So, as you can see from the OSI model. MAC filtering takes place at layer 2, IP filtering takes place at layer 3, and ports operate at layer 4. Therefor, it is entirely possible for a router to not have any open ports, and still be able to route, filter macs, and other basic network-relevant malarkey.

So when you throw in a scenario where an admin logs into a device that appears to not have any open ports, that's exactly a farse. In those cases, access is allowed or disallowed via filtered ports - ports that are neither open, nor closed, they are filtered by a firewall. That's not entirely accurate either though, because a port doesn't actually listen in a "filtered" state, but rather the firewall filters datagrams depending on rulesets and sends a reject message if the datagram isn't allowed.

So if you run a scan, and it says "all X ports are closed" what it actually means is that the host 1) doesn't have daemons/services listening on the port range you specified 2) is either logically or physically inaccessible from you or 3) is up, but because you were able to resolve an address with ARP it is actually up and legitimately doesn't have any listening daemons/services listening on the network you share with it which is where the suggestions proxx gave you would came into play (vlans, ACLs, IP filtering, so on and so forth).

General discussion / Re: What should I do?
« on: September 09, 2015, 02:40:55 PM »
*snip*I would suggest to get a solution that will solve all problem in a mix. And that is save up and get yourself a nice good laptop. With good specs, you will be able to game on it.*snip*
^THIS (for your particular situation). You can get a laptop with an ok gfx card, ddr3 ram, and a decent quadcore for roughly $1000 usd (give or take a few hundred depending how good of hardware you buy).

Hacking and Security / Re: OSCP PWK review
« on: August 28, 2015, 12:18:12 PM »
Although $800 is a bit too much for my wallet, I think it could be a good investment and really helpful in finding myself a nice job in the area! Do you guys know anything about the academic recognition of this course?
ISC2 will award 40 CPE credits for completing this course.

General discussion / Re: That Film Script Though
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:55:31 AM »
For instance would you prefer a character to be portrayed similarly to Kevin Mitnick...blah blah blah?
GTFO. That is gay as all fuck dude.
Background piece as in the person who stays shelled up in a room for days, wired off of amphetamines and fueled by junk food?
You were on to something with the amphetamines, but no. This character is also overused and gay as fuck.

Here is my idea: a psycho-hacker that owns an ice-cream truck, and has a very odd condition whereby his hair is actually made of fire, and he has terrible scars on his face so he has to wear a clown mask. He also had a very traumatic childhood, so when he's not hacking computers from the secrecy of his ice-cream truck, he goes on rage-induced road rampages. He also has an eating disorder by which he cannot stop eating sweets, and thus he is nicknamed "Candied Molar"

Trust me man...if you can work that character into a story, it will be fucking gold.

General discussion / Re: Mental illness?
« on: May 25, 2015, 06:13:11 AM »
See? You don't have an illness, that's all I was talkin about.. In fact I only suggested to not compare some wannabe eccentric faggot behaviour with an actual disease- Thereby refering to mental illnesses in general, not your alleged anti-social bullshit
You're right, I don't have an illness. I have a personality disorder, and I don't have to prove anything to some random kid over the internet who has a history of raging at people without listing facts to back up his/her rants.
You copied my accusation, good job. Besides, if I had criticized you "blindly", I would not have considered to use the quote function. You, kid, are perfectly sane, and therefore should stfu
You have criticized blindly by not quoting anything from the DSM-V to prove that I do not have any issues. Your failure at reading comprehension astounds me and makes me assume you are not a native English speaker. Also, it is perfectly possible to be both completely sane, and have a blatant disregard for the rules of society and people's safety, while going out of your way to do it when it suits you.
Whatever, but I doubt that you got mine. yeah you so cool and give no fucks and bla, you > me and bla. We will quit this here, you bore me
I probably didn't get yours. I don't understand people in general. When in doubt, mimicry is the ultimate form of flattery. Nobody has to prove anything to you to get your approval, and certainly myself included. It is you who have decided to derail this thread. There are people here with actual illnesses that would like to talk about their issues, and you are here just causing up a shit storm with a widely revered member (me) over nothing...aside from your inability to read and comprehend. Thanks, come again for our crispy burnt Nigger McNuggets.

General discussion / Re: Mental illness?
« on: May 24, 2015, 10:00:52 PM »
as an "advantage"? seriously, dafuq. You don't know a crap about APD or any mental illness; your trashtalk proves it. But yeah keep diagnosing yourself, lmao. I guess you kinda insult all those poor fuckers who are dealing with some actual problems
I think it is you who is finally starting to understand what Antisocial Personality Disorder is about. I know exactly what kind of person I am, and I do not have a problem with it.
I guess you kinda insult all those poor fuckers who are dealing with some actual problems
You understand my point exactly. Perhaps you should actually read the DSM-V, and understand the actual signs and symptoms of mental illnesses before blindly criticizing others. Whether you do, or don't, I don't care. It is suckers like you that are stuck in their own convictions that makes the world an easier place for people like myself, and OE 800.

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