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Messages - hack3rcon

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Beginner's Corner / Re: Discover all IP addresses in a Local network.
« on: November 01, 2015, 07:51:02 AM »
I am not sure if I understood your question. You want to get all ip ranges a network uses with a scanner? Well, you could use any subnet scanner and let it scan all private ip address ranges ( lol. That will take a lot of time. The other option would be guessing the ranges. If your client is located in a network you could try to scan the range for example and see what you can find. Another way is to capture a good amount of network packets and go through them. I explained it here (its old and not very good.. but should give you an idea what I am talking about)
Start to get creative.. maybe you can get those information from a L3 switch or router. HP for example has a default setting which looks like this "snmp-server community public unrestricted". Seen lots of devices where the admins did not remove that part of the config.

Hope that helps??

Consider it, You are at a company and want to know how many devices and ip ranges are exist. What do you do? Some tools like I said can help you but not working with VLANs very good.

Beginner's Corner / Discover all IP addresses in a Local network.
« on: October 31, 2015, 02:26:47 PM »
I need a tool that help me for finding all IP addresses in a local network. I found some tools like "AutoScan" or "netdiscover" but these tools can't working properly in a Vlans networks.

Any idea?

Hacking and Security / Re: Remove Laptop BIOS password.
« on: October 10, 2015, 08:04:54 PM »
I don't like to open my Laptop. Warranty void :(
Laptop model is Asus K55V. Any idea about default password?

Hacking and Security / Remove Laptop BIOS password.
« on: October 10, 2015, 05:03:40 PM »
I have a Asus laptop model K55v and I want to remove BIOS password. How can I do it? Remove BIOS battery in Laptop is not logical.
I did :

Step 1. Restart your computer in MS-DOS mode.
Step 2. When you get to the C:> or C: WINDOWS> prompt, type DEBUG and press Enter.
A hyphen (-) prompt will appear waiting for you to enter commands.

Step 3. Enter the following commands, pressing Enter after each one.

Note: the o is the better o and stands for OUTPUT.
O 70 2e
0 71 ff
Step 4. After the q command (which stands for QUIT), enter Exit.

But not worked :(

Networking / Re: Network Diagram.
« on: October 10, 2015, 01:10:02 PM »
I must have misunderstood. But i have never seen any tool scan and print out a network like you are asking tho. If there is such a tool it would be nifty

Beginner's Corner / SSH to a remote server and sniffer.
« on: October 08, 2015, 12:40:45 PM »
If I use SSH protocol for connecting to a remote server and bypass all Internet traffics to remote server. Can server admin sniff my traffic and find my vital information?
For example I use "ssh -D" and change my Firefox proxy to use "" and port "8888" then go to "" and open my email.
Can server admin find my Gmail username and password? Firefox use "HTTPS" protocol for open but can sniffing it possible?


Hacking and Security / Re: Identify emails on a server.
« on: October 08, 2015, 12:33:52 PM »
Maybe try asking the developer:

A site could add fake emails in the meta to mess with harvester.


I guess you right. They can trick Harvester with adding some data.Can I identity emails addresses via telnet to server or something like it?

Hacking and Security / Identify emails on a server.
« on: October 07, 2015, 09:21:15 PM »
I used "The Harvester" tool for finding emails on a server and this tool found some addresses but they are not OK and when I sent email to those address all emails failed. Can any tool on remote server trick "The Harvester" ? How can I understanding that emails are real?


Networking / Re: Network Diagram.
« on: October 07, 2015, 08:54:26 PM »

Cached link:

Review:   (14-day trial)   (free version supports up to 150 devices)  (30-day trial, Win + Linux)

Thank you so much but just "Topomapper" is for Linux.
SolarWinds is awesome and popular but it just for Windows and commercial :(

Networking / Re: Network Diagram.
« on: October 07, 2015, 08:51:33 PM »
I doubt there's something that does this.

If you want to simulate a network with a user-interface like in the link you posted, then I'd suggest filius.
Official download link (ubuntu):
For other distros check the repo

The web site is German :(

Networking / Re: Network Diagram.
« on: October 07, 2015, 08:50:56 PM »
Zenmap has some fancy plotting feat.

Yes but I must specif the IP address. I want run the tool and give it the IP range and it draw my network diagram.

Networking / Re: Network Diagram.
« on: October 07, 2015, 08:49:08 PM »

# tip=  when you start drawing you have to go to bottom left click more shapes and add the other stuff you want , like cisco , iphones , android and so on

Thank you but I want it do it automatically. I don't need a paint tool :)

Networking / Network Diagram.
« on: October 07, 2015, 02:59:21 PM »
Can anyone show me an application on Linux that show the local network on a diagram? something like ""

Thank you.

I really don't understand what you're talking about, tcpdump is a general purpose network sniffer only meant for capturing traffic, not decoding protocols. If you're looking for a network protocol analyser there's wireshark.

Also why would you care about whose connecting to your pc? If you have no services like ssh running, they simply can't connect. And you can have iptables rule setup to drop all inbound packets.

Please don't spam this thread with stupid questions, try to do some research first before asking.

I'm sure you afraid of it like me.
Some people recommended "Snort" or "Suricata-IDS" for finding who connected to my PC but I need some simplest and lightest tools. I know "tcpdump" is a knife and can tell what IP connected but I must know the port number or IP of hacker but it is silly :(

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