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Messages - anUser190

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Hacking and Security / Anonymous vulnerability scanning
« on: February 15, 2015, 02:12:55 AM »
These tutorials are from 2012:

What are people doing nowadays? Using VPN's to hide their ip instead? Tor can't handle the ICMP messages but it looks like VPNs can.

How would you prevent Nessus or openVAS from sending ICMP?

In those tutorials it looks like they are forwarding one port to one port:
Code: [Select]
./socat TCP4-LISTEN:8080,fork SOCKS4:,
 but don't vulnerability scanners scan many ports? So would other ports still go through the socat tunnel? thanks

Hacking and Security / Re: Vunrability Scanners
« on: February 15, 2015, 01:41:06 AM »
I find that scanners are very noisy and the result are too many false-positives, which you spend too much time verifying.

In case of an engagement I'd use scanners as they are "free" in terms of click and run for some hours, while you spend time doing something else and the noise is not a problem if agreed upon. Some engagements requires a more under the radar approach though.

What do you do instead of using a scanner? nmap to see what ports are open and then version them one at a time, then look up on websites to see if the versions have vulnerabilities?

Pages: [1]

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