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Messages - h3r0

Pages: [1]
Your best bet for something like this is a websocket, NodeJS(could be fun), or an instant messaging framework like AJAXIM ( or .

Personally if I were to be doing this I would go the nodeJS route, but if you're 100% stuck on PHP and JS there is this tutorial that could help you clean up your code/develop a good system.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Watch LMGTFY live
« on: February 11, 2015, 03:18:05 AM »
I remember getting some of their stickers a while back when they were giving them out.  I love LMGTFY.

But there is an odd amount "Google Plus" relate searches.  More worry some is the person that searched for "Collapsed lung" multiple times.

Pages: [1]

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