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Messages - Pavornoc

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Interesting little .exe.  Thanks for the find. 

I am planning to fork it and throw in a bunch of try: except: statements to make it work when I have time.

d4rkcat, I'd love to see what additions/changes you make in your fork.  Will you post on here once you have something written up??

Beginner's Corner / Re: How do you use a password cracker practically?
« on: March 23, 2015, 01:26:46 AM »
Where I work, I often have to access people's accounts on their company owned computers (like if they leave/are fired, or if I need to do work on the system in general).  In this case, I often will use password crackers to get me access to these accounts.  I sometimes just ask the person to write down their password, but honestly it's more fun for me to crack it (plus it's good practice, as I already have authorization to access these computers). 

So yes, while a lot of password crackers are used for less-than-legal means, they're actually very helpful for IT professionals, too. Hope this helped!

Just out of curiosity, is there a reason you need to use DVL? An alternate would be Metasploitable. 

Both have built in vulnerabilities, and there seems to be a little better documentation/tutorials for Metasploitable.  Plus if DVL is a dead project, you're probably missing out on some decent updates.

Just a suggestion.  Good luck!

Beginner's Corner / Re: Python Syntax problems.
« on: February 08, 2015, 08:49:32 AM »
Hey Cranoo,

Yeah, the syntax changed a bit (i.e raw_input() just became input() ), but something to consider is do you really need to use 3 over 2?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying don't learn it; I used python 3 to create a script to sort through IP subnets at work because of the handy IP modules 3 has.  However, python 2 comes installed on a lot of systems currently, like Macs and most Linux distros, whereas anything needing 3 you would need to install 3 specifically.  If you're trying to execute a python script on a remote system, you may want to just do it in 2.  There's also a tool called py2exe that can create .exe files for Windows off of python 2 scripts, but it doesn't work on python 3 (last time I checked the project).

But if this is just for your own scripts/education, I would say check out what Phage suggested and the official docs. There's more support out there for 2 right now so you'll probably need to do things the hard way for 3 for now.

Good luck!

There's actually a really handy tool called Crunch (which is built in to Kali), that can help generate wordlists.  If you're just looking for numbers, it can do that too.

Once you download it, the command for what you're looking to do would be along the lines of:

Code: [Select]
crunch 0 10 1234567890 > *filename*.txt
Code: [Select]
crunch min max (options)
Please be aware! This will create a VERY large text file! I ran this as a test to make sure I got the syntax right for about 5 seconds and it already created a 18MB file of just text.

Hope this helps!

Packet Tracer has new versions available, for both Linux (Ubuntu) and Windows.  All you need is Java.  If you have something other than Ubuntu or Windows, just get a VM going with one of those.  Or, as cyberdrifter said, you could try Wine.

Cisco Packet Tracer 6.2  Cisco Packet Tracer Version 6.2 includes fixes to many community-reported bugs and provides the following enhanced functionality:
  • New devices: Cisco 819 router, Cell Tower, CO server, Sniffer
  • New capability to add devices directly in physical view
  • HTTP server now supports JavaScript and CSS
  • FTP server can manage files used in HTTP server
  • Improved IOS command support[/l][/l][/l][/l]
Here's the tar ball for Linux and the .exe for Windows.  The Linux version has tutorials, the Windows does not.  Feel free to scan then to verify they're clean.  Have fun![/list]

Android / Linux Distro for Mobile Forensics
« on: February 07, 2015, 02:52:16 AM »
Hi everyone,

Came across this the other day and I wanted to share.

Santoku Linux is a specially designed Linux distro based off of Lubuntu that has a lot of pre-packaged tools for doing mobile forensics, security analysis, and malware analysis.  Think of it like Kali, but for your cellphone.

They also have a How-To page on there that can get you started.

I haven't had a chance to play with it in depth yet, but it looks like the majority of the tools are for Android.  However, they (the company behind it, NowSecure) say there's a lot of support for iOS coming.

Happy hunting!  :)

Thanks so much, Deque.  This was really informative and helpful.  I like the "learn by doing" approach, so thanks for taking the time to detail all this out.

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