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Messages - Scient1st

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Looks nice  :D  Keep it up!

Look up Matlab.. or Mathematica. Both really good for Maths. The first has a gigantic set of tools that will let you do just about anything with little code and the language is quite simple and powerfull.

Beginner's Corner / Re: my first python script
« on: February 06, 2015, 02:40:33 PM »
Is it bad practice to combine multiple lines based on readability?

Most people would say it is. Python's indentation is designed to make code readable, and believe me, its better to use a line for each statement/expression. It might not look like much to the person writing the code, but it's a lot better for the person who tries to read it (and understand it). Once you get "Python eyes" from looking at indented code all the time, this sort of multi-statement lines can be a bit misleading, especially while debugging.

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