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Messages - th31nitiate

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Beginner's Corner / Re: Discover all IP addresses in a Local network.
« on: November 19, 2015, 10:11:22 PM »
Guy would nmap just work as good though with the right switch's ?

OE800 is right thought angryIP is a good one, first port scanner i ever used on video, i found a shopadmin box once but i didn’t know what it was or what to do with it then

Beginner's Corner / Re: What exploit to use for this target?
« on: November 19, 2015, 10:07:00 PM »
Try to further enumerate the ftp service and try to login in as anonymous users. It might be vuln ftp or lead might give you important information. Try get version number since they maybe an exploit for it.

Try login in to smb service i see in nessus out put login that its possible, once in try get more user accounts so that you can ncrack the RDP service to brute force the user's u find including alda user name , also try login in with user name specified in all the service's.

Dont forget user a guest also, if you get in as guest there is a privilege escalation exploit listed in the nessus out put so you can you that to get you where you need to be.

Beginner's Corner / Re: How to phish someone without getting caught?
« on: November 19, 2015, 09:52:57 PM »
I think he is just trying to fuck his life up for a girl that he love's and maybe she love's him or maybe not who care's.

If your going to do this your a ballize guy, i recommend testing first in what ever environment your going to do it in. So find out who he is who his email service provider is. Get a main target i.e facebook, insta ect. Now start crafting a phishing page make it look good and believable. You will need to do more than  just copy and paste the code you going to need some php somewhere there. Once you got the page, i recommend for a project like this that you just use a basic offshore vps should be fine since your only targeting one person and you buy your domain from a different offshore company in a different region make sure you privatize the whois. Once you have this your are pretty much good to go set up everything so it working fine ect.

Now you start crafting the link and email you will use trick him, when you create the link you can put it inside a hyper link with something like click here and also when you are spoofing smtp by editing the source headers you will need to test it with his email service provider by creating an account with them and sending you self the same email. When you buy the domain make sure you make it long and complicate, like a dynamically generated link. If the test's pass then you are all good to go :)

DONT CALL HIM, if he dont fall for it try something else like different service or try get him to register on to something that you create example (FREE PS7 sign up now or find sexy single's in your area now) but you have to tailor it to him, the aim of the game is to get one password, likely hood is the guy has the same password for everything. If you get access to him email you have access to the rest pretty much, because you can reset password via email.

Ohh and with the domain you can also use TOR like itphonix mentioned "TOR to web service and mask the link with a URL shortener"

This in all in theory so i am not sure if it will but it seems logical to me plus the test phase will save you :)

The chip on the card is like a data store. They are different types of chips with different functionality. The reader would also have have different capabilities depending on when it was made. User inserts the card, the chip is decrypted via an algorithm using your pin as the decryption key. Inside the chip is information relating to what bank account + access key for that account. After this point an encrypted connection is established with bank systems. Then information is exchanged between pos terminal and bank. Pos terminal request's from bank authorization. if there is enough money and security checks passed then authorization of the transaction is granted.

When it comes to exploiting this an attacker can do several things. The most interesting I have seen was taking advantage of the way in which the programmer had written chip the reader on a POS terminal. There was a vulnerability that could be exploited in the reader to allow arbitrary code execution on the device.

  • To take advantage of this you would  craft a special shell code and place that on the chip on the card as data.
  • You would then try to make a purchase it would decline but the payload will execute malware on the device.
  • The malware will to and start catch pin and relevant card information.
  • You would them leave the store and say im going to get my other card i will be back l8a.
  • Wait till closing time and let the malware collect customer data through out the day.
  • Near closing time go back to the same pos and say you want to try again.

When you try this time with a different card and payload, with instructions telling the malware to clean up and put all collected data on the card. It will decline once more but then just pay with cash and you leave store with lots on chip+pin info to go clone on to other cards and exploit different pos in a different way.

Again this attack is only vulnerable on one type of Verizon type pos system, for other pos you would need to hope same programming errors exist and also the payload will need to be crafted differently.

p.s the terminal im referring to is:

Beginner's Corner / Re: Opinions on "BEST" WIRELESS CARD
« on: October 23, 2015, 07:04:19 PM »
The range on alfa cards is crap, well on the most popular one anyone way. It only supports G networks which i used less frequently now. If you have a big budget then i would recommend riverbed brand not that i have used there models but i have seen it in use for general sniffing and lab demo via wireshark

General discussion / Re: Your top 10 hacker/computer related films
« on: October 23, 2015, 06:44:09 PM »
I don't reallie have a big list but i know i know i liked algorithm and of course Mr. Robot(above all else)

I guess there is a few thing i still need to watch though that i picked up from the list's in this thread. :)

One im looking forward to is WHO AM I and one that i haven't seen mentioned is hackers game which is not a bad film TBH

News and Announcements / Re: Change in administration, again.
« on: September 20, 2015, 03:49:51 PM »
Congrats, to the new admin im sure you deserve it bro

Good Luck, not that you need it :D

Hacking and Security / Re: Human Exploitation: the morals
« on: September 18, 2015, 03:28:42 PM »
itphonix i see and i like what you said.

Maybe i am wrong or maybe some of you guys like the understanding or certain peaces of knowledge that i have come across that you may not have. As i said i could be the one in the wrong.

Personally i know what SE is and i understand the things you have mentioned, but to say you do what you want when you want for me that's not cool, you have to a have reason behind your actions and you need ethics wether it be bushido or what have you.

I posted this in order to spark a discusion on this subject, i know that in the future psychology will play a big part in computing, if you take a look at ultra paranoid computing you would understand.

When someone does not know the password but can input the password via muscel memory please tell me how that password can be exploited ?

I am not trying to define anything with what is already there in the books or what have you. I am trying to define something new... or take these things to a new level. That was my reasonung behind that post.

I have lived many lives, this is why i say the things i say because of the experience's i have had. I have seen men convince women that they have money so that they may sleep with them, please tell me how that is not social engineering.

As i grow and get a better understanding and time i will work on the concept or may discover a new concept, but i have spent a long time thinking. But i think from the perspective of what you guys are talking you are talking about the normal as is text book standard of social engineering. I asure you that as time progress this will change.

Personally i believe this si a conversion to be had over a beer && this is were ill leave it

Hacking and Security / Re: Human Exploitation: the morals
« on: September 18, 2015, 12:54:42 AM »
Dude that's a tv show...

Do you think the people are fake and they are following a script and there is nothing real behind D brown

Hardware doesn't have emotions, it's like saying rocks have emotions.

no it is not, i related hardware to flesh, flesh does not have emotions but chemical's that are the interpreted by the mind which is the OS or the kernel.

rocks can be compared to peripherals

I just wanted to make the point that you can use the same morals u have for hacking inline to help u in other parts of lufe

Hacking and Security / Re: Human Exploitation: the morals
« on: September 17, 2015, 11:52:31 PM »
First and formost sorry for the delay in my response

secondly, what do you guy want me to fix ? i Know it is related to the formating but im unsure as to what about the formating you guys dont like

@ptales, cool i understand your point and we did take a long time discussing this but i just wanted to point this out for other people to look at so that they may understand my thoughts based on this comparison between human and computer systems. Its just a method of perception. I think computers have emotions and can be felt when you start interacting and analysing memory and software at the lower levels.

@acaan I would say its much more difficult to understand the human world than it is to understand the virtual one that we created. So thank you correcting me here.
TBH i would say that SE is a subset of psycology. Think about people that have a good understanding of the mind(human OS), they can literally hack it dude. That what physiologist do they patch vulnerabilities in the human OS.

 >> << dude check this vid out it is pretty cool, just imagine that guy tag teaming with hacker. ARE F*CKING CRAZY; NO SYSTEM WILL BE SAFE 100%. Im sure you can launch a war head or something with his help.

Ok on the last point no understanding TCP/IP wont help you better understand SE but it will help you be able to try maybe improve your SE skills via knowledge tranfair.
An example if you are listening to someone and you dont nod or give eye contact or something. You engineering attempt might fail, but if you have an understanding of why acknowledgements are used in TCP/IP you will have an understanding of why you should node your head and keep eye contact.

"Computers are programmed to work and think in a specific way, computers are not AI" computers to certain degree are an extention of the human AI. You subcon mind and feeling and reaction are all pre programed pieces of code. The ego(the user) is the true you which is housed by the soul(OS/Mind) and the soul is housed by the flesh(Hardware).
"I do agree that Psychology plays a large role in Social Engineering, however Social Engineering is not defined as Psychology." Read what i said to acaan then maybe you may agree with me.

"It works as an analogy, but only to assist in describing how other functions can be related. " i agree with you there it works as analogy only but analogy are used to improve understanding in a simplified manner or to perform knowledge transference.

RSE is nice and good but on this topic i have a question i want to throw out to every and was the point of this post.

What would u say the morals are in relation to how far to take SE so for example in IRL and with interactions at work and in certain places. For me i found that the best way to secure my self is to operate as if im dealing with computing system, hence why i made the comparison.

So tell me peeps were do you believe the line should stop when SE'ing. One thing that normally get girl pissed is when you talk about SE to get sex ? or SE to get a job or SE to take advantage of some benifit like the ones the have in sweden

Hacking and Security / Human Exploitation: the morals
« on: September 16, 2015, 03:34:48 PM »
Human Exploitation: the morals


I would like to outline one thing that I believe may be important to point out to the community. Recently on IRC I spent sometime talking to ptales on the issues surrounding social engineering and how to a certain degree everyone can be seen as
As a computer system, or as to how human manipulation is similar to computer exploitation. He outlined to me how this is not a possibility and survival people tried to point out to me how social manipulation is not right. I thought I would take the time to explain my perception of this and so that we can have a place to discuss the morals behind social engineering. My definition of social engineering is psychology. In this post I will focus on the Deception aspect, which has multiple levels to it. All humans are deceptive; anyone who tryst to tell you otherwise has not spent enough time performing self analysis  on them self or they are just carrying out a sub conscious social manipulation on you.

Humans and machine are not that much different, our base reality is composed of complex number and so is the operating system and the hardware it runs on ;) . The way computer systems interact is based on human interaction. We have protocols in our world just the same we have protocols in the information realm. Networking and communication is carried out using vocals in the real and packets in the virtual world. Of course the stuff taking place in the virtual realm is by far more complex. It all mainly depends on your understanding

Let's talk about the exploitation of a system/person. If you ping a system and it reply that means that the system is available for exploitation. What is required after that point is to perform a port scan and from that port you analysis the output and use that output in order to find vulnerability to exploit. When exploiting a system it can take a few mins a week or months to break through. It all depends on the complexity of split. This sounds realie bad and somewhat manipulative, this tends to get on peoples nerves especially girls.

I would like to point several things out:

1. Zones of trust:
   You can have various zone's that you trust and for this zone no firewall nor manipulation is required. There is level of trusted based on specific zone that you may be dealing with. Examples of zones, friends house or works place or club.
2. Firewall/AV systems
   There are all sorts of firewalls and AV system's available out there one good AV system is religion. Some people choose to make there own or customize it(new age), after all most(if not all) religion is open source
3. LAN environment
   This is the environment that is in home that you live in. The door is the NAT and also the gateway.

The mental zone is a volatile place and you need to have some honey pots installed if your processing power and memory is fast enough to have that. You should make sure that you protect from the various number of psychological threats that you encounter in your day to day life.

QUESTION ON MY MIND: Is it possible to have security for the brain/mind or is this something that will only aid big brother in achieving his goals ?

Hacking and Security / Re: OSCP PWK review
« on: August 28, 2015, 01:28:11 AM »
Although $800 is a bit too much for my wallet, I think it could be a good investment and really helpful in finding myself a nice job in the area! Do you guys know anything about the academic recognition of this course?

Dude 800$ is nothing, compared to the amount of knowledge you will learn in the course, plus practice also. Think about the ability to learn via hands on methods. In relation to academic it is not recognized by them yet. Academy is more memorize as much as you can throw up on the test paper. This mainly however depends on the individual and the university that you go too.

University is mainly theory this is practical. I believe that the two go hand in hand. They back them self's up to certain degree

Creative Arts / Re: Just made my Avatar & Sig(Mad skillz yo)
« on: August 24, 2015, 11:46:00 PM »

No, just no

LooooL, i guess there is not excuse for not wanting to learn something simple....

Remember that :P

Hacking and Security / Re: OSCP PWK review
« on: August 24, 2015, 08:56:39 PM »
Ive read like every review on the web but haven't started the class yet due to lack of funds, but will do soon.

How much lab time did you get and how far in are you(topic and time) ?

How difficult are the systems to penetrate, are they like vuln hub system or quit realistic ?

How many have u hacked ?

Creative Arts / Re: Just made my Avatar & Sig(Mad skillz yo)
« on: August 24, 2015, 08:53:34 PM »
Dude if your offering i wouldn't mind you making me a sig since im very shit with graphics and tbh i do not want to learn photoshop.

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