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Messages - Difermo

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Hardware / Re: calculating wpa speed (gpu)
« on: March 06, 2015, 02:22:15 AM »
More then 50k/s is fine :)!!


Hardware / Re: calculating wpa speed (gpu)
« on: March 06, 2015, 01:20:29 AM »

Well I would be happy with 80 000 :)!! that would take 9 days for my custom wordlist :) (just to compare it is 723 days with speed i have  1000t/s :D )

One more question and I'm done :)

GTX 850M 2gb DDR3 comparing to GTX 860M 2gb GDDR5.  Will it give ~70 000 tries/s or less?
The only diference comparing to GTX 860M is DDR3 and lower core speed of 93 (936 MHz for GTX 850M)
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Hardware / Re: calculating wpa speed (gpu)
« on: March 06, 2015, 12:23:09 AM »
Ok didnt know that for SSID. Thanks

So @HTH what I understand with GTX 860M 4gb GDDR5, I will have WPA speed ~120 000 tries/s?

I know that I can get good desktop for same price. But I need portable because this one laptop is old. And to be honest it use less power, I dont plan to be professional, and IT isn't my job speciality. I'm not always at home so laptop is best choise.

This one was number1 :)
Code: [Select] one have 2gb more ram on gpu and it is 17 inch. and bigger ssd. But 1kg more..
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Hardware / Re: calculating wpa speed (gpu)
« on: March 05, 2015, 09:54:41 PM »
Even for laptop?
I'm buying new laptop and for price <1000 euros, that's the best gpu card I coud find

GTX 860M with 2gb have core speed 1029 MHz & SP 640 MHz  ||| WPA = ?

GeForce GTX 750 Ti have core speed 1085 MHz & SP 640 MHz  ||| WPA speed = 53098

Can we say that 860M would have around 50000 (not less)?
I see that Radeon HD 7970M and HD8970M are better but use more watts and that means more heat

Hardware / calculating wpa speed (gpu)
« on: March 05, 2015, 06:57:16 PM »
I'm searching, but I can't find, how to calculate wpa speed base on gpu.
I only manage to find that speed is based on number of cores and core frequency
I found this site with lots of gpu tested
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So questions:
1) how good is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M - 2 Go GDDR5 for wpa cracking with cudaHashcat, and what would be WPA speed? (is there any formula to calculate it)
2) is there any speed boost if it is GTX 860M - 4 G0 GDDR5 ? (what i learned say no, but i need to ask)

Beginner's Corner / Re: WPA hash to MD5 hash ?
« on: March 03, 2015, 08:52:34 PM »
Well I was just curious about that, and trying to speed up a little. Logic was saying that i cant convert it, otherwise much more smarter then me would ask or done before me :)!!!

I'm not trying to hack CIA so I dont need supercomputer. Im just learning how it works and trying to understand. This one is old computer with Intel dual core T5800 2GHz processor (7 years old computer). ITs a laptop with dead GPU so im stuck with CPU. Thats why I cant use pyrit or similar tool
But since you mention, are cloud account free or does it pay? I soa (i think) Amazon ES2 or something like that. But its not free.

Beginner's Corner / WPA hash to MD5 hash ?
« on: March 03, 2015, 05:26:46 PM »
I hacked wifi with reaver. Got password. Then I captured WPA/WPA2 4-way handshake of same network. I tested that cap file with aircrack-ng and wordlist.txt that have password (obtained with reaver). It worked..
Then i converted cap to hccap with online hashcat converter.
Then I used hashcat with -m 2500 and it also worked. But speed is around 1000 k/s for aircrack and hashcat -m 2500. (both speed are around 1000 tries/second)

I done -b with hashcat and it tells that MD5 speed is 14MK/s. Thats much faster. But when i run with command -m 0 it tells me "no hashes loaded"
Whats wrong and how to convert wpa hash to md5 hash and get that million tries speed?

Hacking and Security / Re: File size
« on: February 04, 2015, 01:34:55 PM »
Well I'm new and so I wanted to create password list for my country (not english language) that I can use not just for WPA/WPA2 hack but for other thinks. That's why I left passwords with lengths less then 7. First list I hade was with dates like 22.12.2012 and same just without dots 22122012
It also hade all numbers up to 7 lenght. I remove them two. Leaving just dayofmonths (0210).
I removed dates from 1900 to 1950 and all that have dots. Plus I get all passwords to lowercase.
The file is 0.560mb. So it will produce wordlist.txt that will be 62gb. Since I inserted code in python script not to print if lenght is less then 8 It would probebly be lower then 50gb.

I tought to run it with aircrack since i collect handshake but I see aircrack cant work with files bigger then 2gb. Is that true? How to split them in kali linux? since i dont know how to do that in python (just started learning it)

I downloaded lots of password list. But lots of them are for diferent languages and the one that have cracked passwords that people use, doesnt work. So the only solution was to build my own dictionary for my country (it doesn't exist or people hide it).

I gess I will have to read a lot for ethical hacking. It's good to know how it works and protect myself (as much as possible). I'm gona read this forum but any sugestion where to start? Some good online ebook or tutorial :)?

I will be thankful for everything

Hacking and Security / Re: File size
« on: February 04, 2015, 11:34:59 AM »
1.1T is Huge. That file would cover every possible combination that regular people use for wifi and demonstrate to my friends how bad password they have.
I can delete 150 000 since I covered every year from 1900 until 2000. Plus I wanted to have all combinetions even smoler then 8 char. But I will add to script to remove every combination that have less then 8.
File have 45 000 lines only with names, surnames, middlenames and words that people generaly use. Everything else is birthday combinations and numbers with special simbols.

Hacking and Security / File size
« on: February 04, 2015, 02:35:39 AM »
I'm new to ethical hacking. I'm creating my own dictionary for my country. I was wondering if I have file.txt (size is 2.29MB or 2,408,448 bytes) that have 240 000 lines of passwords, can I somehow find out how big will be file2.txt if it have every possible combination combining 2 words?
For example file.txt have:


And file2.txt must have


Thats 3^2. Sou by my calculation that file shoud be 575000mb or 561gb. Am I wrong?

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