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Messages - d0rkbLiTz

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: Brute/dictionary password breaking
« on: January 31, 2015, 09:47:38 PM »
Hello,]I have an account but i don't know my password.It is a login form in microsoft sharepoint website.I am trying to use hydra tool but it doesnt work correctly. I have problems with defining the hydra attack command and the succes or fail parameters.I have been trying to do this for a week, but sleepless nights do not help me at all. The code looks like this below:hydra -l userlogin -P passwords.txt http-form-post "/index.php:userinput=^USER^&passwordinput=^PASS^:password is wrong"It gives me a message that all the passwords are correct... Any ideas?

I'm not sure if you done these steps yet. But you should use HTTPFox to test valid and invalid logins. Look at the "headers" and "cookies". Look for "failure" and "success" keywords. Check to see if your site is HTTP GET or HTTP POST. Please read what syntax990 posted.

Hacking and Security / Re: Changing my location?? Proxy or not
« on: January 31, 2015, 09:30:55 PM »
I know that a proxy can change my location information to show that i am in a different country etc.

I would like to know how to go farther then that, i am playing around learning i was wondering how one would change there location not just to a country but to a town or even a building as well.

Example.  I am in indianapolis i want people to think i am in denver co

How do i get that specific the proxy i have now just lets me choose the country.
You can use a VPN. Certain VPN allows you to change to specific State and City (only if they have servers that at location). Preferably a VPN which keeps "No Logs".

Pages: [1]

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