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Messages - PilouZ2

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / How to exploit that!
« on: January 28, 2015, 07:15:15 PM »
Hello! I just found some vulnerabilities after scanning a web using w3af, but there's a problem! Mayday!  ;)
I don't know how to exploit these vulnerabilities, wich are:
  • Shared hosting.
  • CSRF vulnerability
  • Path disclosure vulnerability
  • Cookie without HttpOnly
  • SVN user disclosure vulnerability
  • XSS (In a image, WTF)
  • US Social Security Number Disclosure
I need to know which of these vulnerabilities are the easiest to exploit because I'm training, and somehow I want to vulnerate this target, whatever it cost.
(I don't want to deface the site, only need to know how I can vulnerate some vulnerabilities of them)
Thanks people, I'm waiting for your response, it would be helpful for me. (please D:)

Pages: [1]

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