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Messages - cyberdrifter

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Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Linux Anonymity
« on: May 17, 2015, 05:14:20 AM »
The wiping sounds hard for the disk...

Correct me if it's wrong.

Kind regards
Not so bad for regular platter HDD, but it will wreck an SSD pretty quick.

General discussion / Re: Archlinux - where to learn
« on: May 16, 2015, 08:08:37 PM »
This is what worries me a bit, because my main intent of using Archlinux is to set up my computer for Anonymity. Then try to follow some tutorials on how to hack, I will most likely experiment from something simple like my own network. But i really need to get the anonymity step right otherwise by first try could by my last.
You're choosing the wrong distro. Arch linux is only a good foundation if you know how to build the system you want already.

Using arch to build a secure, anonymous, stable platform is certainly doable if you know what you're doing. But if you don't, it's like having all the right tools to build a house and never having used any of the tools first.

Inevitably you may build something that can stand up and keep out most of the rain. but it will hardly be stable or secure.

A better option would be setting up a virtual pen test environment. Learning with a prefab kit like Kali and going from there. If you do try to have something illegally over the net... you're probably gonna fuck yourself over... don't do illegal shit, there're plenty of legit ways to learn.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Killer USB frying computers?
« on: April 04, 2015, 06:18:30 AM »
I sense a great power here. Thousands of posts, hundreds of cookies and words full of wisdom. (bow) Thank you, master. Apologies for my worthless thread. And may the force be with you always.

Operating System / Re: Freepto: Encrypted GNU/Linux on USB
« on: April 04, 2015, 01:44:22 AM »
haha, you misunderstand me.
What i am saying is that it is a psychological feeling of unease whenever i use Tor no matter how illogical it may be.
Oooh... Gotcha... I feel that way too when I do things I shouldn't be doing, it's called guilt. But I don't do anything shady on tor... infact the only time I don't use tor is when I'm doing something shady (or i need the speed bump).

Operating System / Re: Freepto: Encrypted GNU/Linux on USB
« on: April 03, 2015, 05:19:23 PM »
It has been drawing way too much attention for years now  and has been both a love hate relationship for LE.
I do not feel safe using something that has a big huge fat target on its back.
Says the guy who frequents on open hack forum. Do you really think you're not already on several watch lists?

So, I've targeted a site, and have penetrated it using an error based SQLI.The admin username and password have been obtained, although the password seems to be encrypted in some weird hash like form that I have not seen before.

The hash is this - qw7mmXe2w/qkIpdX.9Gxe/

Thanks in advance (and sorry in advance is this is the noobiest shit you've ever seen),

Here's the thing about context...

Operating System / Re: Freepto: Encrypted GNU/Linux on USB
« on: April 03, 2015, 05:01:28 PM »
I mean that i would not trust Tor.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Where can i download Kali tool Manually?
« on: April 03, 2015, 04:36:23 PM »

There is no such thing as "kali tool". Kali Linux is one of many linux distributions. A distribution is simply a collaboration of various programs that can run on the Linux kernel. The programs that make up "Kali" are all open source tools that have been combined for simplicity.

So if you want to know what tools Kali has pulled into its distro go here:

If you want to download a specific tool then you use whatever method your operating system implements for that task. In your case you would typically use apt-get. However not all of the tools for kali are in the default apt repository so you will need to find the kali repository as suggested by HTH you fucking moron.

So your next step is to find the kali repos and add them to your system. This may help:

BTW, adding a repo doesn't add the tool, it just gives you access to easily download the tool using apt-get.

All that said, if you want to build your own distro you need to understand a very simple piece of information. All programs available on pretty much any open linux distrobution are open source. This means that somewhere in some git repo or source forge repo. The source-code for your programs are available to be compiled by you.

For example:
The site above hosts the source code for the git-version (read latest version) of the metasploit framework. That site is complete with detailed instructions on how to download and add it to your machine.

Now man the fuck up and learn to google your own answers without needing to be spoon fed them.

*Throws Giraffe shit in your soup and dumps soup on your head*
You're welcome!

       i just install the lastest linux mint debian edition betsy . Well i'am Planning to customized it to be able to use it as my Daily use distro and also i'am Planning to installing Pentest tool on it so that i can build out a personal set in my laptop

And i wonder any good website where i could download these set Manually ? i mean Pentesting tool :P

Operating System / Re: Freepto: Encrypted GNU/Linux on USB
« on: April 01, 2015, 03:25:01 AM »
Too much Tor for my taste but its a nice idea...
And what do you mean by that?

General discussion / Re: VPNs useless?
« on: March 29, 2015, 07:14:46 PM »
I've been reading about how it was recently discovered that your true IP/location can be discerned by a server using the "STUN" request in browsers and apps which can open up browser windows. If this is true than VPNs are essentially useless now, right? Could anyone educate me on this please?


This will break it down pretty nicely for you:

and this will show you how to take proper precautions against it:

Just using a VPN alone isn't a failproof method. You should think of security in depth. There should be multiple stages of security in case one or two of them are violated. But again this should be in line with what you hope to accomplish. You don't need a VPN, hopping through TOR, hooked up to a random open wifi miles away from your home, spoofing your mac address on a throw away computer using TAILS OS just to hide porn from your mother.

This is where proper RISK analysis comes in. The tools you use should be in line with the risk you're taking.

General discussion / Re: Cicada 3301 - Seems to be live again
« on: March 29, 2015, 10:07:58 AM »
I hear they had to cut the competition short last time, people started to collaborate too much :/
All you ever hear about Cicada is "what people hear about Cicada".
I heard it was a program run by the government to recruit citizen hackers/code breakers. It certainly falls in line with the ramp up of cyber power over the past few years.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Best langauge for coding 0day exploits???
« on: March 29, 2015, 06:50:44 AM »
Hello i was wondering what programming langauge is best for coding exploits.

I know this is probably asked alot but people say one thing then another all the time

I know that python is great for coding hacking tools but for 0day exploits its all right was just wondering
if there was another thanks and sorry for the short thread.
For general scripting python is awesome, easy to use and expand on. But it's a higher level language.

For writing 0-day exploits I'd say go with C, since memory management is left mostly to the programmer which means it's usually the one most prone to memory exploits (ie: buffer and stack overflows, etc).

General discussion / Cicada 3301 - Seems to be live again
« on: March 29, 2015, 06:43:57 AM »

The cicada hq page just posted up this hash yesterday.

Code: [Select]

Anyone gonna play?

General discussion / Virtual Humint
« on: March 29, 2015, 04:26:36 AM »
So this is a thing: Virtual Humint link

I'm not sure how many of you (but I'm assuming a few of you do) follow the Intel arena. This seems to be a growing trend in the Intel world: Virtual Humint


Virtual HUMINTâ„¢ is a unique methodology pioneered by Terrogence for use over virtual web-platforms to gain trust, form connections and ultimately collect valuable intelligence from entities of interest in virtual cyberspace.
Much like a traditional intelligence agency might recruit and operate live human assets in physical spaces in order to obtain information, Terrogence specializes in cultivating and operating virtual identities in online spaces, that act and access social media platforms like a natural netizen – a citizen of the internet.

Trust no-one.


1. The shotgun I refer to is a Pump-action Mossberg 500 Cruiser 8-shot link.  The thing about a pump action shotgun is that the rounds are secured in a tube magazine below the barrel of the weapon.

This weapon needs to be charged, and placed on fire, Making it highly unlikely to discharge on its own.

2. Anyone that would tell you resting a shotgun against your shoulder is unsafe, is an idiot that has no idea what they're talking about. The shotgun would be pointing skyward to prevent it from flagging someone (In the very unlikely case that it could discharge). While this isn't an aggressive, tactical ready position, and there are safer positions (two hands are always better than one) it is safe.

3. I learned how to shoot a rifle when I was 10, I've been around them my entire life.

4. As for your "following the law comments" The rules on carrying a weapon are heavily dependent on the state you live in. However in mine so long as you hold a concealed carry license it's quite legal to possess a loaded firearm, both in your home, in your car, and on your person (certain locations excluded).

I like this option and it is pretty close to the way I deal with people I dont want to talk, see a questionable motherfucker walking across the street towards me? Get the gun(whatever it happens to be) out of the backseat or trunk of my car and walk inside, he is NOT gonna follow you, he doesnt know its not loaded. (Assuming we're following the law here).

That being said, one thing, If I see someone shoulder carrying a long arm there's an instant assumption of "has no idea what he's doing" since it is literally the worst way to carry a firearm and any safety instructor worth his salt would smack the shit out of you for doing so. Not saying thats the case here and its probably just because the gun is unloaded that you don't care about safer carries but it's still worth considering. I'd just be more wary of someone whom I felt was in total control and at total ease with the rifle/shotgun. (obviously lots goes into that, the carry type is just the only thing in the post)

But I'm also not a criminal, and I also grew up handling firearms about as often as tonka trucks (for legal reasons) so I might be the wrong person to comment on the mentality of some street thug whose gonna be casing a place.

@Deque, you seem to have the same issue lots of people have where they are too polite. Gotta learn to just say "no, leave" or "no you may not come in" right off the bat rather than listening for the sake of being polite.

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