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Messages - Onemorenickname

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Found it on the Webs / A website to learn how to hack
« on: February 06, 2015, 10:42:25 AM »
Hey guys,

I was searching for a website with a nice set of challenges, more reality related, and not too easy, as I code on lots of languages, and just new to hack.

So, I searched, and I found this one, among a lot :

I did the prerequisites (kek) and the JS one, I will do the following later.
For the beginners, such as myself, I think it's nice.

For instance, in JS, you have to check the source code. And then, find how to reverse the functions. It gets harder, and more interesting.
But it's still doable for anyone.

Have a good day !

Learnt Symfony2 a while.

You just don't have to re-invent the wheel when you want to do a complex website.
If you want to collaborate with people, you already have an architecture (MVC) plus a nice template system very usefull in order to separate front-end from back-end (TWIG is cool).
Finally, bundles. Quality code often reviewed and checked by countless amount of people which does maybe anything you want.

So, if you want to do small things, vanilla PHP is enough. Maybe with PDO.

If you want to make some real website, frameworks are cool.

Pages: [1]

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