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Messages - Tine A

Pages: [1]
Android / Re: Unrooted smartphone
« on: January 16, 2015, 10:52:54 AM »
Don't necro. If it's older than 3 weeks or something, just pm op.

You make no sense. You got access to an unrooted phone to install a RAT on it or am I just reading your post wrong. If it's not yours you shouldn't be installing crap on it it's like hacking into someone's computer, pulling up notepad while the user might be watching and typing up "Someone wuz here loooooool"

Well the phone came out of my pocket, and if it dies I'm the one that has 2 get a new one ;) That's a part of being a mum 2 a young girl unfortunately ;) But rather that, better safe than sorry (my opinion, know many don't agree)

Android / Re: Unrooted smartphone
« on: January 15, 2015, 01:45:56 PM »
Did it end in success?  Just curious...  I had to get highster's mobile app 2 access an unrooted phone, good enugh, got gps, pic, sms, innstalled apps and opened apps with a time line of course ;)
Excuse me if im totally off, i'm a newbee! REALLY! Haha started snooping and experimenting just a month ago, so far 1 less phone and tablet and my laptop is not 2either. Haha. Learning :)

Pages: [1]

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