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Messages - geek.shanu

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Best os for someone new to Linux?
« on: October 12, 2015, 03:34:02 AM »
I think Linux Mint Debian Edition would be a great distribution to start with. You can also try CentOS and openSUSE to get a taste of different distributions. Best way would be to try them on a virtual machine before doing a disk-install and then go with the one you feel most comfortable with. :)

General discussion / Re: Which linux distro is better for beginners?
« on: March 18, 2015, 07:09:50 PM »
OpenSUSE is really good for beginners. If you are more adventurous you can subsequently try the ubuntu based Linux Mint, Fedora and then pure Debian. This will familiarize you with the major different software packages out there. And when become an expert you can for "Arch" and build your own customized distro.
Its really fun. :D

General discussion / Re: Post your deskTOP
« on: January 30, 2015, 03:42:33 PM »

I just wanted to know if there's any way to block such calls from any such fake id apps. I recently got into some serious shit because of a call from a fake id.

It is not the weapon, my friend. It is the user.
You will realise soon that the gun comes in handy when you are under attack from someone with a machete, and you have the gun.

I agree. But giving such privacy-infiltrating weapons in the hands of the mass with a majority of them being inexperienced and ignorant. It poses a privacy risk to the everyone. I think allowing such apps on an regulated market is simply "foolish".

These apps like voxox, ID changer and all that lets you spoof your phone number when calling by sending any caller id you want, are becoming very popular and that's alarming. One can very well imagine the potential threat to our privacy if such apps are misused. I don't understand why apps like PSX4droid get banned on android market for vague reasons while such apps that pose a potential threat on everyone's privacy are allowed ? :-\

Can anyone suggest some ways to protect ourself from such caller id spoofing and fake calls?

General discussion / Re: Is windows 10 actually going to be that good ?
« on: January 24, 2015, 10:16:26 AM »
Why even ask? Grab yourself a VM from microsoft and try it out and see if its any good.

Actually the title was meant to be a sarcastic question.  :P But I'm definitely going to try out the technical preview on a VM.

I don't know if Windows 10 is going to be any good. But at least Microsoft has added enough new things for average non-EVZ people to get excited about. lol  :D

Creative Arts / Re: The Raven
« on: January 23, 2015, 11:17:41 AM »
I love this poem. Couldn't stop admiring it when I read it for the first time in my higher secondary. Memorized it in just a day. And still remember every word of it.  :)
Probably the best poem ever written. Still gives me goose bumps when I recollect.

"And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor Shall be lifted — Ah! nevermore!"

General discussion / Re: Is windows 10 actually going to be that good ?
« on: January 23, 2015, 08:13:22 AM »

And I think Windiws 10 is grossly overrated  :P

It surely is.  ;D Windows 10 might be a worthy rival for Ubuntu. But describing it as a worthy rival for "Linux". Hell no.  :P

General discussion / Is windows 10 actually going to be that good ?
« on: January 22, 2015, 07:30:53 PM »
Read something new today. ;D Windows 10 praised in the linux community:o The post describes Windows 10 as :

                       " Finally, A Worthy Rival for Linux "

Is it really going to be that good after the addition of features like Microsoft’s Continuum and the Cortana Smarts ? I agree that windows 10 is going to be a big upgrade. But would it really be a worthy rival for linux???   What do you think guys?

Pages: [1]

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