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Messages - [fazed]

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: Setting Up A Backdoor
« on: February 23, 2015, 12:02:28 AM »
Set up a normal back door using nc set to start on boot, if nc is detected by the av then think about writing a PE file but remember the most simple option is most likely to work. As for stealing credentials you can either use a keylogger or you could even go old school and change the host file to add a fake login pages for banks (phishing) or inject JavaScript into web requests which silently reads the value of the the password field and creates a hidden image element to send it back to a server you control (remember you can also steal credentials through hidden fields if auto complete is enabled and you change the action value of the form to your script) the list of possibilities is endless!

Hacking and Security / Re: How to brute phpBB hashes?
« on: February 22, 2015, 11:51:34 PM »
Its been over 6 years since I wrote my last script for cracking hashes (i then got a vip account with thats how long ago it was!) but I'm guessing not too much has changed, if the hashes are un-salted you can write a pretty simple dictionary based cracker in Python, you just need to iterate through a word list a line at a time, hash each word and compare the result to the hash you are trying to crack, if they are the same then you have the password. With a little more effort and using arrays mapped to different letters you can create an algorithm for performing a brute force attack.

Android / Re: Hacking Android via false AP
« on: January 11, 2015, 04:48:43 PM »
You can do this right from your android phone.
check out the app zANTI [size=78%][/size]
with it you can inject javascript for drive-by-downloads or replace downloaded files
content with your own. Both methods would allow you to get your malicious app
onto their phone. You can set up your own AP either with your laptop or with a phone
and then use ARP spoofing to inject the javascript or malicious file.


Pages: [1]

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