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Messages - MSallam

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: buying a new laptop
« on: January 20, 2015, 12:43:29 PM »
Why not a desktop? What budget are you on etc?

why not a desktop bec. i need it to be mobile for different reasons.

My Budget is about 900$

General discussion / buying a new laptop
« on: January 20, 2015, 11:03:24 AM »
Hello guys , i want to buy a laptop as a work station to run Autocad, 3D Max and Microsoft visual studio.
2 days later i bought Dell inspiron 15 5547 with Intel processor i7 , 8gb Ram and AMD Radeon R7 M265 but with Switchable graphics Technology so my main GPU was Intel HD Graphics 4000  and AMD Gpu was a co-processor and i was really disappointed and made a refund.
now i am asking for any help what should i buy ? with real dedicated graphics card 

Tutorials / Re: Networks
« on: January 07, 2015, 10:58:20 AM »
it's not a bad post, like really the info is right but like u say u are an electronic com student more elaborate stuff belong here this stuff isn't meant to be on this forum like 90% of the members know it already. I don't wanna be mean since u put effort in it and I know what u can feel since the first tuto I made received much more negative feedback but keep going and try to be much more elaborate and go into complex things dnt worry we'll deal with it

Thanks for your feedback  ;D  , i just wanted to be an active member .
next time will be better than this. Thank you  :) ;D

Tutorials / Re: Networks
« on: January 06, 2015, 07:28:20 PM »
Apart from the poor formatting, this is what I'd expect to see in a grade 9 Computers Book. :P
A cookie for trying, though.
Hahahaha , i just tried to be simple bec. my English isn't very good and not a grade 9 books i am a Electronics and communication engineering student.
but thank you , i will try harder next time  :)

Tutorials / Networks
« on: January 06, 2015, 06:43:59 PM »
Hello Guys , this is my first post which i made effort in , so i hope to be a good one  :)

 This post is about Network ; anyone who is new to this world or even just started to learn from this website(which is great  ;D ) must read well about Networks , understand what it is ? how it works ? it's types .....etc.
so we will cover all as much as i know about networks.

  • What is a NETWORK?
The network is a connected system of objects or people , this defines the concept of a NETWORK in general.

  • What is a Computer NETWORK?
The computer network is a connected system of 2 or more computers linked together by different means of connections(wireless/wire connections) ; the computer network is a collection of computer devices or any other hardware devices that has the capability of internet connections or local connections to form a network , so in this system of connected Devices the user can share hardware(like:printers), software and data as well as different types of communication with each other.

Any network can be analysed by 3 main Factors, which are :
  • Topology
  • Architecture
  • Size
Network topology is the arrangement of the various elements of a computer network.physical topology is the placement of the various components of a network, including device location and cable installation, while logical topology illustrates how data flows within a network, regardless of its physical design. Distances between nodes, physical interconnections, transmission rates, or signal types may differ between two networks, yet their topologies may be identical.
  • Ring network
Devices connect to one another in a ring or we can say that devices are connected in a circular path in which data travels in one way and each device work as a repeater when it receives the signal to maintain it's strength.
  • Star network
all the devices in this network are connected to a central device which is a hub or switch in a point to point connection , usually used in local area networks
  • Bus network
all the devices are connected to a central cable used in local area networks where each node is connected to a single cable.
  • Mesh network
in this network all the devices are connected together , the mesh network can be a completely connected  mesh network or partially connected mesh network.
  • Hybrid network
rid networkthis network is a combination of different topologies ,Hybrid networks use a combination of any two or more topologies, in such a way that the resulting network does not exhibit one of the standard topologies

  • Peer to Peer Network
  • Client-server Network
  • Client : is the device or program that the user use to request network data or resources
    Server : is the hardware device that has built in computer which is specialized to store data and deal with client/user requests.

   1.Local area network (LAN)
Covers a small area usually in building/office/home.

   2. Metropolitan area network (MAN)

it cover larger areas like a group of building/blocks. 

  3. Wide area network(WAN)

Covers  a very large area like Countries.

The data travels in the network in the form of messages under a communication protocol which is agreed-upon to be a world standard for transmission , the transferring medium can change between wired/wireless.

Beginner's Corner / Re: question?
« on: January 06, 2015, 10:48:12 AM »
It is in fact possible, you should look into RAW Sockets.

I do not have any code, but if you are capable of using raw sockets corectly you wont need any example code :)

okay i will try the Raw sockets and post the results of this trial
Thank you  :)

General discussion / Re: want to understand !
« on: January 06, 2015, 10:45:13 AM »
Oh, the "hacker tracker" thing? I'll go with d4rkcat and answer logs too. Of course, they can be altered. And there's ip spoofing and all...
Someone said the best hacks are mostly never detected.
It was moved to the  Board of Shame because the answer to your question was just a google search away. Use a search engine next time.
Thank you  ;D  i just wanted answers , no more .

Beginner's Corner / question?
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:50:07 PM »
hello guys , i am asking if it is possible to create wifi jammer (sends deauthentication packets ) using c++ ?and if it possible is there any idea about the code ?

General discussion / Re: want to understand !
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:04:18 PM »
I don't know either, that's kind of fucked up.
You didn't ask anything illegal, you just didn't ask the question in very good English.
To answer, I think logs would be your best bet.
You have to find out how they got in, was it sql injection? Did they already have a password? Did they social engineer an administrator?
Logs will be your friend, if they haven't  deleted them.
There should be logs for alot of aspects to the website including the admin panel.
Using the process of reduction you can find the suspicious log entries.
The hacker may have used anonymizing proxies or something similar but it is worth a try.
Also you may want to delete everything and start fresh because they will have put additional backdoors everywhere.

good luck.

okay , that's very helpful . Thank you  ;D

General discussion / want to understand !
« on: January 05, 2015, 05:46:41 PM »
Hello , i am kindly asking why my post goes to (Shame board ) i am not asking for any illegal issues or something like , just asking for information that i even dont know if it exist or not!
instead of removing my post at least tell me that you are wrong or asking for something illegal as i dont know it.
if i knew what i was asking for probably i wouldnt asked it .
Thank you

General discussion / Re: Saying hello to This world
« on: January 02, 2015, 02:49:46 PM »
It's the board beneath this one  ::)
You mean i must check the "members introduction" board fist ?
Thank you for help  :)

General discussion / Saying hello to This world
« on: January 02, 2015, 02:23:05 PM »
Hello guys , this is my first post on this forum which i am really interested in , i am a Electronics & Communication Engineering student ( first year ) , i was really wondering how do i get started in something i love which is Hacking  :-\  , i am pretty good at HTML , Visual basic . but i dont know where to start to learn what should i do first , need some guidance. i dont want to look like a silly noob  :-[  but i really want to learn.
any help , advises i would be thankful.    :)

Pages: [1]

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