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Messages - kowalski007

Pages: [1]
High Quality Tutorials / Re: Malware Lab Setup for Static Analysis
« on: September 25, 2015, 12:49:57 AM »
Thanks Deque... but, if I will start with static analysis, should I learn first assembly programming or reverse engineering in general and then go to static malware analysis, or I can start with some tutorials and books for malware analysis and learn in the way about RE and Prog?

I was looking at this book and not sure if I should start in that way.

High Quality Tutorials / Re: Malware Lab Setup for Static Analysis
« on: September 24, 2015, 02:25:56 AM »
Hi everybody!

I want to start with Malware Analysis on windows os, I guess I'm gonna start with dynamic and then pass to static, anyway, my question is, which operating system is recommended for this?, I am thinking in using a virtual machine with windows server 2008r2 and isolated network, but not sure if in this case it would be better to try with windows 7 or windows 8.1, what do u think?

Pages: [1]

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