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Messages - NC009

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Hacking and Security / Re: Disable autorun on all drives
« on: October 14, 2011, 04:30:13 PM »
I disabled mine using something in my control panel but I don't remember what it was. I have Kel's CPL Bonus Pack but the version I used then was much older so I don't know if the tool is still included.

I think you are referring to "Autoplay" ...I would check the reg key though...this is the only way to guarantee autorun is disabled. Some AV scanners (Kaspersky) automatically pick up this vulnerability and ask the user if they would like to disable....I agree with Kulverstukas...somebody with physical access can really F*ck up your world with autorun enabled.

General discussion / Re: [PIC] Which looks better?
« on: September 22, 2011, 07:12:02 PM »
Not at all, this is a legitimate project, non-related to hacking.

Ok...well I like the top two...left and right...the color scheme is good on both of those.

Hacking and Security / Re: Newb Here ready to learn
« on: September 20, 2011, 08:53:34 PM »
Simply...just read your ass off and be patient! There is a lot of shit!!! You will get overwhelmed at some point but stick with it...Sign up for security newsletters, follow famous IT security professionals/hackers on twitter, etc.

It really depends which said your into networking so maybe start with secure network architecture and go from there. More specifically read about the network devices/peripherals you use at work and how to secure them. By learning how to secure each device, you will learn what adversaries do to circumvent their security features (this concept swings both ways). The link suggests learning a bunch of web-based languages (except for C)....something that will not benefit you in the beginning stages.

General discussion / Re: [PIC] Which looks better?
« on: September 20, 2011, 08:39:20 PM »
I made a simple login form... which styling looks better?

Doing some XSS work?

Hacking and Security / Re: [RSA Encryption] Info I found useful
« on: August 24, 2011, 09:27:38 PM »
Projects?  ;) well if you need something for email try GnuPG...although it uses RSA  ::)

...dont know if your "projects" consist of something else...but if so, it would probably be best to implement your own hybrid...this is why the TDL4 Alureon Rootkit has been so successful...communication between command and control servers and the makers/users is encrypted with some hybrid cipher...

Haha wow! It works!! :P Thats pretty cool :D I wonder if its possible to convert normal source code into images.. that way.. it would be like art in two ways :P You never know.. some programs might look really nice!!! lol

This does open for some new ideas regarding hex translation...

Interesting...this could be useful... ???


Let’s face it, a lot of public Windows machines aren’t locked down properly. This trick, sent in by 0perator, goes to show how trivial it can be to obtain a shell using the notorious MsPaint tool. Begin by opening Paint and starting a new image with the dimensions of 1 px tall and 6 px wide. Then from left to right paint one pixel at a time with these custom RGB values:
  • 10,0,0
  • 13,10,13
  • 100,109,99
  • 120,101,46
  • 0,0,101
  • 0,0,0
Now save the image as a 24-bit bmp file. Rename the extension .bat, open and enjoy the shell.
To see what’s really going on here open the file in a hex editor. My favorite on Windows is HxD Hex Editor. It’s freeware. Of course it’s worth mentioning that any machine secured properly with group policies isn’t going to be susceptible to this attack, but you’d be surprised how many aren’t.
- Hak5 embedded

Hacking and Security / GPU Accelerated Hash Cracker (ighashgpu)
« on: August 11, 2011, 08:12:56 PM »
I am sure some people have seen this but I thought it was worth sharing.

General docs/download page:

His proof-of-concept with ATI Radeon HD 6990:

I have not tried it yet though...only have access to my laptop right now...GPU is shit...

I have discovered trance! it is the best thing to listen to when coding so I have loads of Armin van Buren shows :D
Simple, constant beat, not too loud, rarely there are singing (because I discovered that singing really is annoying and you can't concentrate). Really good when coding :P

YES!! you should look up DJ Eros on itunes...he has a podcast called 'the perfect mix' and all his tracks are three+ hours with very little talking...MOST of his tracks are nice and smooth...perfect for concentration...   DJ Tiesto is good too but in his new stuff he talks a lot more....try it and let me know.. 8)

General discussion / Re: KDE vs. Gnome?
« on: July 25, 2011, 08:44:11 PM »
lol  Gnome  of  course  kde  eats  a  lot  of  resources  like  windows  Aero
lol  Aero  was  a  big  breacktrough  for  windows  what  a joke :P

LOL...thats what I figured... ::)

General discussion / KDE vs. Gnome?
« on: July 25, 2011, 05:55:37 PM »
Ok, so I have been using BT5-KDE since it was pushed but I just tried out the Gnome (32-bit) version and love the speed!!! Everything is so responsive even running in Virtualbox  8) I know the "KDE vs. Gnome" is all over the internet but I am curious what EZ thinks...

Thoughts anybody?

Hacking and Security / Re: Cracking wifi passwords
« on: July 15, 2011, 09:58:17 PM »
Get Virtualbox, BackTrack 5 (.iso) and an ALFA AWUS036H card...ALFA works off-the-shelf with BT5. Great for packet injection!!! You will be cracking 802.11 in no time.  ::)

Hacking and Security / Re: Linux vs windows 4 hacking
« on: July 15, 2011, 09:34:35 PM »
In all honesty, what OS you are using really does not matter. You still have to know your stuff, and when you do. You can just bend the OS in the direction you need it to. But I do agree Linux is an all-over better OS than other options out there, simply because of its openness and licensing.

Agreed !!!! I also use BT5-KDE the majority of the time but CAIN is pretty sexy...for certain tasks.  :D

Hardware / Re: Has anybody tried these???
« on: July 14, 2011, 09:22:51 PM »

For hyperparallel processing you would be better off with several AMD/ATI cards. AMD's "more cores!" mentality is really badass for cracking. NVidia designs cards that are fairly balanced and even the Tesla series don't match AMD's core count. NVidia's balanced style is good for graphics (it stays on par or slightly exceeds 'more cores') but sucks for bruteforcing.
This style difference is extremely noticeable to anyone who has mined bitcoins which is basically bruteforcing SHA-256 hashes. NVidia cards get utter crap speeds while the AMD cards fly. Even the optimized CUDA SHA functions are lucky to get a third of the speed of OpenCL on AMD. Check this chart and see the diff: Leftmost column is the card model, 2nd from the left column is the hashrate in million hashes per second.
Mid-to-upper level AMD cards generally get 100-300 (depending on clock) and the 59xx and 69xx series gets 300-800. Nvidia's competing cards get around 1/4 of the AMD cards. The highest NVidia card, some Telsa model, only reaches 155Mhash/s.

tl;dr - want to crack hashes? Use AMD, more cores.

Wow, thanks! This is exactly the information I was seeking... Nice link. Good Stuff! I appreciate it.

Hardware / Re: My new toy I just ordered
« on: July 11, 2011, 08:40:11 PM »
Not as good of a range as I was expecting... Might get some new antennas that should do the trick. The device works and works good. Has a great wifi chip. Pretty well built. Much smaller then I thought it would be as well which isn't a bad thing... Built with good plastic. Good device, just need better antennas for a better range. However compared to my laptops atheros card, the ones that it picks up does have a stronger power then those from my laptop.


Realtek Wifi Dongle:

Maybe you should try to put it on your roof.. :P .?... Not kidding...just put in a weather proof container...and see what you get. I use a ALFA w/ realtek chipset and I was amazed at the range I got from just buying an extended USB cable, running it out my window and putting it on my roof (something so simple)...I was able to deauth and capture handshakes from over a block away  8) .

Pages: [1] 2

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