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Messages - BigSmoke

Pages: [1]
Tutorials / Re: Cybrary Torrent Classes
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:03:56 PM »
Thanks Man  :D Waiting for the other titles.

There are many C++ ebooks in ebook section, i recommend C++ Primer Plus

this one and its best to learn standard code which works fine Cross-platform devC++ and VisualStudio by default do not support standard code they are for windows so in my opinion You should use any GCC(GNU compiler collection) compatible IDE for example CodeBlocks(Its the best ;) ), Eclipse etc.
In codeBlocks You can even add more compliers as per your requirements,it is beginner friendly and Best part it is Open source and Cross-platform(Works under all Windows,Linux and Mac). If you download it make sure you download Binary release of CodeBlock With Mingw and if you further need help in order to start with these IDE's or with C++ in general feel free to pm me.

PS:- For All Command Line GCC lovers you can code like Linux in Windows too just Grab this compiler.

Pages: [1]

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