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Messages - whatitdo

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: secure messaging service
« on: September 13, 2015, 01:29:37 AM »
I suggest Wickr for long-term communications, or cryptocat if you want a temporary chatroom

I don't think the scare is AI itself, but a machine making declensions on our behalf. Whether it be medical advice or to kill child terrorists. In a human mind we have some sort of moral brotherhood, computers not so much. AI on any level is dangerous and concerning when it makes the decision for men.

Good point, but not that the survival of our particular group is no longer of paramount importance, we have become more interconnected. Because of that, our zerosum (I get/you lose) way of existence is trending more towards non-zerosumness(win-win). We tend to ascribe moral consideration to those who we believe we could make a non-zerosum arangement with(think trade of products, culture, ideas, etc.). That sphere has increased steady over time(women's suffrage, and of slavery and suffrage for blacks and immigrants). An AI might very well gain its own sense of morality because of this. Also, we(humanity) hate being alone, seeking solace and comfort in one another, as well as difference of opinion. An AI might not enslave us or do any such thing because then it would be alone, and instead, seek to form a long-term non-zerosum relationship.

General discussion / Re: Favorite SciFi books and recommendations
« on: February 04, 2015, 04:25:04 PM »
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

Basically about the lunar colony revolting against earth. Author did a lot of research into successful revolutions. Can almost be used as a how-to guy for starting revolutions.

Also MC is friends with a hyper-intelligent AI supercomputer, and it's not evil.

Well, that certainly is a rare occurrence!

General discussion / Re: Consciousness arising on the Internet
« on: February 04, 2015, 04:23:05 PM »
@syntax990 Are you talking about Shannon entropy? Thanks for explaining why you voted other, I was wondering who did that

@cyberdrifter and Architect, agree to disagree boys, you both make good points

Glad to see we've gotten such a good discussion going!

General discussion / Re: Favorite SciFi books and recommendations
« on: February 01, 2015, 03:09:37 AM »
I am mortified at myself for neglecting to mention having read Ender!

@Spectrum_963 fantasy/dystopia is good as well

Keep the recs coming!

Exactly, i don't think we need to emulate every part of the brain in order to get there. It might just one day work on accident.

Although, modeling the brain it that level of complexity will almost definitely cause unprecidented discoveries in how the mind works and more

General discussion / Re: Consciousness arising on the Internet
« on: February 01, 2015, 03:02:33 AM »
What I speculate that the future looks like for humans and their technology:

The computers will be interfaced with our brain via implants.
We will be nodes on this internet as you say and all humans will become telepathic due to this.
We will be able to access any/all of the collective human knowledge using this system, and all new discoveries/theories that people have will be uploaded to the hivemind for others to benefit from/examine.
Money and wealth disparity will cease to exist.
People will not be able to lie about anything and there will be no more secrets.
The internet will be classified a natural human right / utility, and every person on the planet will have unmetered unlimited access to it.
Hunger, poverty and disease will be eradicated due to the exponential growth in the sciences that this system will allow for.
We will travel interstellar space and visit the other civilizations and finally become acquainted with the galactic community.

That's my dream anyway.
One can hope right?

Indeed, also, that scenario kinda reminds me of the world of William Gibson's Neuromancer

Science / Re: Something from nothing
« on: January 31, 2015, 05:21:01 AM »
That is awesome, but could you elaborate on how a three dimensional universe could be flat? Also, now that we aren't burdened with the evolutionary fury to survive pushing us away from being able to better understand the universe, do you think we will undergo a fundamental shift in the way we perceive the world in the generations to come?

Following Factionwars' train of thought, there is the possibilty that a consciousness could spontainiously generate, what with the amount of raw computing power growing all the time. I made a post about this earlier under general discussions. Also, for a rare case of a Benevolent AI portrayal, see Robert J Sawyer's WWW trilogy.

General discussion / Re: Where are you from?
« on: January 31, 2015, 03:29:44 AM »
Earth, The Solar System, Western Spiral Arm (Milky Way Galaxy), Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha

General discussion / Favorite SciFi books and recommendations
« on: January 31, 2015, 03:24:04 AM »
Hey all, I've started a science fiction binge, and am looking for recommendations, preferable ranked on the higher end of the Mohs Scale of Science Fiction Hardness.

So far, I've read most of Asimov and Clarke's most famous works, as well as most of Cory Doctorow's books (He's awesome, and he has all of his books up as free downloads on his site! Check him out!), and am preparing myself for the deep descent into the Dune Series.

Love a book, hate a book? Let me know what to look at and what pass over! Tell me why, and if possible, add a synopsis!

May the Three Laws guide you XD

General discussion / Re: Consciousness arising on the Internet
« on: January 31, 2015, 03:02:58 AM »
Interesting idea man, think about this: if its a neural network of the human consciousness, and getting stronger, will humanity eventually become a gigantic hivemind, with each person as a node? o.0

General discussion / Consciousness arising on the Internet
« on: January 31, 2015, 02:54:35 AM »
I recently read Robert J Sawyer's WWW trilogy(Wake, Watch, And Wonder), which is about the Internet becoming sentient, among other things. It made me wonder, could that happen? How? What would the intelligence be like? Would humanity try to kill it regardless? Let me know your thoughts, I'd like to hear what you think! Personally, I think it's possible, but I don't really know how it would happen...

P.S. For those who have read the books, do you think it could happen in the way described?

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