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Messages - LewiNkz

Pages: [1]
C - C++ / Re: Oh Hey dudes i could use some help...
« on: June 30, 2011, 04:56:23 PM »
haha i think you got me wrong guys XD! my stepdad he didnt learn me how to CODE ( only that little bit on my previous comment ) But he told me how to use utorrent, bit che, and how to change the .DLL files in the folders ETC.. :) Haha hes not a hacker hes just a coder and i think he codes something named Indivision or something :D...

Hes working for some kind of business firm... :)

@Xires thanks man ill take a look at them books :P

C - C++ / Oh Hey dudes i could use some help...
« on: June 30, 2011, 08:43:40 AM »
Hey all i could use some help

So yeah...

I joined this site for maybe 30 seconds ago, and the reason for that was ive heard this forum was good for "hacking and programming".. =D

So yes, im a 15 year old dude from europe and for about 3 weeks ago i saw about anonymous and read some stuff about coding.. my stepdad is a programmer so since i was like 10 he teached me to "crack" games like CoD and stuff like that..

But yeah now i wanted to start learning real coding, AND I KNOW its VERY hard to learn, but i can do what i want to do, so do you guys know any good ways to learn coding? Right now ive read abit in a book called C for dummies, and its pretty good... but i wanna go more advanced

Right now the only things i can code is like ... (Dont laugh at me xD)

Code: [Select]
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char name[20];
char adress[20];
printf("Name someone cool you know: ");
printf("Name %ss adress: ",name);
printf("\nHis name is %s and his adress is %s and hes cool.",name,adress);
so anyone, where can i start learn more advanced hacking coding stuff!?

Pages: [1]

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