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Messages - Raymond_Yvon_Herbert

Pages: [1]
Which OS are you installing alongside Windows? I believe Ubuntu offers disk partitioning during installation but this is not true for every OS. So I recommend you partition your hard drive. And just in case, ensure you have enough storage space on you machine.

General discussion / Re: Mental illness?
« on: June 18, 2015, 12:06:12 AM »
I was diagnosed with aspergers syndrome five years ago. I was thirteen and committed some pretty serious crime and it pushed my father to get a diagnoses. [He wished to minimize the fallout.] It hasn't changed my life much, except maybe now I get more sympathy perhaps. I've started socializing somewhat in the last few months and I now have I better understand why this is considered a mental illness. I can better see the difficulties I and people like myself face. I am not proud to have difficulties communicating with people, but without it I wouldn't be who I am today.
In treating my mental illness there isn't a whole lot they can do. I was given some medication, the same medication prescribed to schizophrenics but in a lower dosage, and had sessions in the nearby city with some kind of doctor. I found it interrupting my education and she wasn't nice to me. She was polite but she seemed to think I was an imbecile and couldn't handle money. I would regularly tell her my marvellous grades and she would be confused about it. When I saved up a few hundred dollars she was equal parts amazed and confused. It hurt seeing her and thinking that the trained professional had a completely incorrect interpretation of my mental illness and might harm her other patients with aspergers or just any of her patients.

Other / Re: Copy Files Using The Linux Command Line
« on: June 17, 2015, 03:55:20 AM »
Thank you all, especially 0pt1musPr1m3.  When reading your response it had a space period featured at the end of the command. The book actually instructed that, I just overlooked it. And you know what, I just overlooked a lot more [In your answers]. I was going to follow up with, what does the period means since a quick google search yielded no results, but I see you explained that too. Again, thank you all.

Other / Copy Files Using The Linux Command Line
« on: June 17, 2015, 02:58:46 AM »
I started reading this book recently called The Linux Command Line by William E. Shotts Jr. He asked us to follow along and practice what we learned so far. He asked for us to make a directory in our home directory called playground. Then we changed our location to the directory playground. Then he created dir1 and dir2 inside this new directory. The next step is to copy the passwd file from the /etc directory and I don't understand how he does this. He instructs the readers to type in 'cp /etc/passwd' to accomplish the task but I get an error.
"cp missing destination file operand after '/etc/passwd'
try 'cp --help' for more information."
Frustrated, I tried another operation. A pathway of my directory goes: Home-->Downloads-->bugle
The operation I tried [While in the playground directory] was "cp ./Downloads/bugle"
The error message is as follows:
"cp: missing destination file operand after ‘./Downloads/bugle’
Try 'cp --help' for more information."

So to sum up.  I would like to have the error message explained to me and be shown the correct way to perform the operations.  Thank you.

How Can I Maintain Access To Facebook Accounts I Comprimised?

I recently did a successful attack and I gained many peoples emails and passwords. I want to be able to download their facebook archives without them knowing about it and I also want to maintain access to their account should they change their password.
Any other help and guidance wil be appreciated just as much.
Thank you.

Science / Re: physics
« on: May 06, 2015, 06:24:11 AM »
Here is a wonderful pdf on physics. It is by my favorite physicist.
It's called The Feynman Lectures On Physics.

I also attached my grade eleven physics textbook for you. I couldn't find where I downloaded it last week. You might be able to find the grade twelve text too if you look.  ;D

Web Oriented Coding / Indenting Reliably In html
« on: April 01, 2015, 08:59:49 PM »
I was recently making an edit to an old webpage I made. I wanted to improve it somehow and thought I could do with making the first line of my paragraphs indented. I managed to make the first line on my paragraphs indented afterwards but I prefer to use breaks instead of starting new paragraphs, a habit I will promptly stop, I might even get rid of all the breaks in the file after this.

How might I make the breaks in my paragraphs indent also?

My code looks like:

<div class="content">
<p>Remember, remember the fifth of November<br>The gunpowder treason and plot...</p>

And the css that already indents the first line of paragraphs is:

.content {

Help would be greatly appreciated.  :)

Pages: [1]

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